Expulsom On Toons That Don't Need It

I was curious if anyone else has that one “farmer” toon or just a gatherer toon and when you get that gear upgrade, you end up with expulsom on a character that doesn’t need it. I remember in Legion on toons that I would get bloods or primal sargs, there was always a vendor to be able to sell those items to and get mats to be able to send to a crafting toon. Will there be a vendor like those on Dal and the Vindicaar in BFA? I know it could help those who have alts, and also help the economy as well. I just really enjoyed that option in Legion, and hoping that a vendor like that could be in BFA capital cities.



I have a toon with over 100 she doesnt need and a toon that does need expulsom with none.


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I wish Blizzard would make the expulsom account bound at the very least.


I wish they’d stop making soulbound crafting pieces altogether. All that does is put a damper on the economy.

They badly need to get someone on staff with a vision for how to make a vibrant crafting based economy and how to tie that into the game in a meaningful way.


I could even justify having it account bound. My farming toon has close to 50, but my tailor who could them, or my scribe to make the darkmoon decks could use them as well. It really hurts the ones who need them but it can’t be used and just gathers dust in the bank of a toon that doesn’t need it.


Expulsom is there way of making crafting more “fun” (tedious). I do despise it mostly because it is needed in a lot of the crafted items, a lot is needed and it is rng based (go fig).

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I understand they didn’t want people to sell it or something, but hello? Bind on account for anything that’s not BoE pleae? That includes things like gear we get from raiding?

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They really need to drop that vendor in… pretty please Blizz?



I have an idea how about making expulsom account bound instead of character.