Expose armor

For some reason, Expose armor breaks Sap, Blind, Gouge even when facing away from the target or using a /stopattack macro. At least up until Wotlk, you could apply expose armor on a target under these CC effects without breaking the effect if you didn’t hit them with a damaging attack, allowing for a new range of tactics in combat. This also applies to bleed effects, though I haven’t tested with these yet. It appears to work on rare occasions, but is definitely breaking far more often than not even when there is no definitive answer as to why, no poisons equipped.

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Chance on hit weapon proc?

My advice to you is to never level up expose armor. It is a very useless rogue ability. Just use slice and dice, a kidney shot or an eviscerate. It will deal way more damage both in the short term and long term.

Can confirm it does not break sap/blind etc if you do it properly…
Also if you disable auto-attacks you will drop combat properly when doing it… otherwise stuck in combat :slight_smile:

Spent some time trying to figure this out today. What I found is that if you spin away from the target in conjunction with the macro you tend to get the best results, but this is purely anecdotal and inconsistent. I ended up using a ton of combinations of macro commands including things like extra stopattacks and clearing target just to see if it made any difference- it does not seem to. If you face directly to the target when using this macro it will fail almost every time, but if you combo it with a 70+ degree angle against the target and sweep your mouse quickly you stand a decent shot of it working. It’s worth noting that doing this with no macro at all works too so the macro might not be helping things at all, it’s hard to say.


/cast Expose Armor

I tried replacing Expose Armor with Slice and Dice followed by a /startattack to mimic the behavior and got the same results so I think the issue here is really that anything with an implied startattack will generate a white hit before stopattack is received which seems to defeat the whole purpose of the command.

Feels like a bug

Sorry to disappear from the post for a while. I have been really consistent with it since I reported this bug through turning as you mentioned. It still sucks because it extends the duration you’re in combat by a a few hundredths of a second, which honestly is pretty big of a deal if you want to get an expose and restealth off a gouge. Hoping they deal with this eventually.

It is extremely good against Shadow Priests once they get their pvp gear. They become quite tankish at that point and expose armor makes them squishy as they should be.

bump this bumpbump

good find. keep it up