Explosive Shot Bricked the key

Fighting the 2nd boss of Dawnbreaker while running the Bombardier talent my explosive shot went to a Webbed victim BEHIND me and detonated while a mob was Patrolling past. Thus a mob with 2 casters joins into a boss fight wiping the group. Why the HELL is Explosive shot going to targets that we’re not in combat with. Stupid.


I’m sure there’s a few tales to tell of a little ability named Barrage…

That’s weird Bombardier talent works that way though. Salvo, which triggers off Multi Shot or Volley, requires foes to be both in front of you and hit by said shot. I didn’t even know you could throw Wildfires backwards, let alone things you’re not in combat with.

Never had a problem of the shot going off outside of cone. Although, I have had several instances of one of the shots firing out into some group of mobs just minding their own business.

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Sorry Forgot to note Surv Hunter

DB is really really buggy for hunters, especially bms. I find my dire pets will often being blown off by the wind. Disengage used to propel forward (last boss). You can fly through the two spider boats if you land on the front of the boat. So I am not surprised SV hunters have that type of bug.

Yea…I’ve had more than my fair share of unwanted aggro from bombadier procced explosive shots to the point where I just feel so on edge to use that proc whenever it comes up.

I really hope they fix this.

Thankfully this hasn’t happened to me on a boss pull. But I had to learn to hold it sometimes because I’ve seen my fire off to a random group pulling more mobs it’s painful. Should be combat only blizz.

Barrage way back when, was something special for sure lol.

Nothing like bursting shot legendary in legion pulling whole second floor in kara :grin:

Oh, and remember when Steady Shot would auto seek a new target if the target died while casting? A new target that you may well not be in combat with?

Pull the whole room, whatever is on the other side of the wall, whatever is on the floor above and below you…