Hello everybody, I had a few ideas for Mythic+ that hopefully aren’t just retreading old ground. As a healer that started playing Discipline Priest back in dragonflight, and really enjoyed healing Mythic+ back then, the dungeon experience for me at the launch of the war within was depressing, and genuinely made me not want to play the game anymore. After watching some videos on youtube that discussed how pressured tanks and healers feel compared to DPS, I had a lightbulb moment that I wanted to share just to see if my ideas have any merit with the community.
–Adding the support role as a distinct role from DPS, Healer, and Tank–
The title for this is pretty self-explanatory, but after ruminating on it for a moment, I couldn’t help but wonder why we need to box ourselves into having only 3 roles, especially since I sincerely believe adding a support role could help take stress off of the healers and tanks, and give more player choice when deciding group composition for their key. My main idea here is to have the support role be there to take stress off certain players depending on how difficult the dungeon is for that specific role.
For example: The group knows that the dungeon their key is for will be really healing intensive, so they decide to choose a support class/spec that can help, say, dish out some spot healing through earning instant heal procs on their rotation. Alternatively lets say there will be bosses or mob packs that will be dealing lots of damage to the tank, so instead of choosing that support spec that helps healers more, they choose the support spec that helps tanks by, for example, dishing out armor packs to the tank so they can pull more packs, or push through a heavy damage phase of a particular boss (like brigitte from Overwatch, limited charges of “armor packs” so that this isn’t too OP) Or maybe your group is feeling confident and chooses to invite a support spec that doubles down on DPS/HPS and just buffs players like the support spec for Evokers does now
What does this solve? Well having a support role helps take the stress of the Healers and Tanks that they have been complaining about, and if the support role replaces one of the DPS positions, it makes the DPS feel like they are contributing more, and may even reduce queue times for DPS.
So in all we get:
- more player choice for how to approach a dungeon
- less pressure on the tanks and healers so they can afford to make more mistakes
- a new role that acts as a natural step of progression for DPS players who want to take on more responsibility and learn Tank/Healing mechanics without being dumped right away into the deep end of the pool.
- Reduced player toxicity now that people can focus on playing and pushing the keys and not just leaving the moment they realize there is a weak link in the chain.
- A more balanced number of responsibilities more evenly distributed across the group.
I am sure there are negatives to my proposal, which is why im submitting this and eagerly looking forward to hearing what you all think. Please don’t jump down my throat if this has already been explored before, like I said above, I don’t play the game much anymore, even though I desperately want to.