Thoughts? I mean, I’ll probably buy it if only because I love collecting WoW book, but I am hoping it is NOT a timecapsule style book and tells us what present day Northrend looks like/events in Northrend.
So Northrend is arriving to the Exploring Azeroth series. According to the summary we are going to venture into the icy, mysterious tundra of Northrend under the expert guidance of Clan Bronzebeard. So I figure that means Brann Bronzebeard is going to be the in-universe author for the book.
No timeline was mentioned for it, so I don’t know if its suppose to be before Shadowlands and the Death Rising event with the Scourge dormant or after with the Scourge being contained within Northrend by t…
I made a post about the book in both the lore and general sections.
Lore: Exploring Azeroth: Northrend
General: Exploring Azeroth: Northrend
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wasn’t kalimdor a total flop and pulled from shelves? or have I been misinformed?
Not buying, I’m just not hardcore about the lore and backstory.