Exploring Kalimdor Criticism on Wowhead: Book Now Pulled

People on these very forums have bought it and read it. Though, it seemed like it ran out pretty quickly.

I was hoping more like a screenshot of someone holding the book with it turned to one of the offending pages.

That’s harder to find. It does have reviews already. Not good.

I think it may have been pulled or ran out earlier than we thought.

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That works, the amazon page does say verified purchase.

Well. That is unexpected but also welcome news. It shows they can acknowledge feedback. As well as accept criticism that may be genuine and factual. It also shows they see something wrong that needs to be fixed.

I just didn’t think they would pull copies that were already printed, because of the lost investment. I thought maybe at the most, they would sell the printed copies, then release an edited 2nd edition/printing.


Looking into it all more, I honestly think they just ran through the first print run. The month and a half wait until the next print run is kinda weird, but the whole pandemic shortages and complications would easily explain that.

The only big suss thing for me is the Kindle editions. Why stop selling the digital while waiting for the physical copies?


Speaking of that, there is going to be a hearing later today, for the EEOC vs. DFEH business.

Pointing out the antisemitic portrayal of goblins.

So is noone at Wowhead going to mention the blatant lore inaccuracies and nonsense that was written down in the book?


Atleast this was mentioned

But more as a racist thing, not so much as the victim blaming that it actually is.


That’s the thing.

Trolls (among others) in the fictional world of Warcraft use the real world name of a real world religion. They use the real world names of real world figures from that real world religion. They live in homes whose designs are lifted from real world structures. The way they speak is a the same as real world takes on real world accents.

And the negative depictions they receive in fiction are the same as those used in the real world against the real world people on which they’re based.

That one doesn’t see it is largely because these tropes are so ubiquitous and widespread that people accept them and don’t even bother to question them. And whenever someone does point them out and/or question them, they often get accused of overthinking it or being too insensitive.

Not that it’s stuff that can’t be fixed. The fact that they do seem interested in changing it is more than I would’ve expected. I won’t give them flak for that.


There is a thread on Reddit right now talking about this book (not the book itself, but the criticisms) and I’m just baffled how people can be missing the point so much.

“It’s a fantasy story, therefore it cannot possibly be racist!”
“Using irl inspiration for fantasy races has been a thing since Tolkien!”
“Maybe you’re the racist if you think trolls are like black people :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Like… it’s not that hard, people


How about we do this. Everyone who finds this type of thing disturbing, triggering and the such, just quit? Then you can spend your days fighting actual social justice issues instead of in a made up, fantasy game?

Christ people, do you have nothing better to do than to make up reasons? If we are going to remove or cause a fuss over everything, we will not have a game left to play. Keep that in mind the next time you want to regulate and make everything into your “perfect bubble of a world”

TL;DR - Lets fix real social issues in irl and not try to find them in game.


I find it ironic how all the racists are coming and are like Just please stop talking about the racism in the books and in the game. Just ignore it please stop talking about it

Y’all need to seek help


It is also interesting how many 1 post Alts are being sent here for what ever reason, spouting the same gibberish. As if someone put out a call for people to use their Alts to forum post and defend this.

Like the poster above you :

Well, since this is your first and only post on the Forums (at least… on this Alt), how about you do this : stay away from discussions you don’t like. You seem new to the idea… people want to discuss the lore on a lore discussion forum.

You don’t know what they do IRL. Maybe they fight social injustice IRL, and in the game they play.

If you find discussions on forums so triggering, stay away from them.


Or we can do both? Listen, I’m not all that outraged about the book, but pointing out ~problematique~ things in fiction is part of “fixing social issue irl”. Fiction is part of real life, you know.


What bothers me, is these racists think fiction is made in some sort of bubble, with zero real world influences and that authors and game makers have zero responsibility to respect the mythologies and cultures they’re pulling from.

I can’t believe there at that many people with a Stone Age level mentality about these things.


I pre-ordered the book and I want to judge it on it’s own merits before I jump to conclusions. I think the hatred of goblins is more of a hatred to their industrialist capitalist natures where they pollute areas and degrade the environment wherever they go. Goblins are also selfish and love money, but that doesn’t imply any anti-semitic tropes. People are saying because of their “hooked noses” that they appear Jewish, and I think that in itself is bigoted. They take a fantasy game and project their biases on to it.

Same goes with Zekhan being taught how to write in a formalized way by Lor’themar is bigoted because he’s a troll and the other is a blood elf. Implying African being taught by a white European. Why do people have to overly criticize the narrative. The lore inconsistencies could be simply Zekhan didn’t know the Dark Portal and the Well of Eternity are different. As a young troll he probably doesn’t write in cursive poetic flows. I just feel people are being too judgmental without actually giving the book it’s proper due.


This is blatantly racist, but I think you did that on purpose.


I wish we could find out who these 1 post alts belong too. I suspect it’s one of the handful of known racists that post here often and now they’re hiding behind these alts


Not sure about Angridemon, but Gartkal is the same person that made this comment that I didn’t read past the first sentence.

Edit: Weird, the comment disappeared?