9.2 Datamining has begun

I understand that, and I’ve been a bit wary for a while of Wowhead’s analysis of story stuff as well as their highlights/summaries of interviews done elsewhere, since they editorialize quite a bit. I’ve found that I often don’t agree with their assessment, and I prefer to get as close as possible to the original source on any story or interview news before making my own conclusions, so their mixing of opinion with fact tends to get in my way. That’s one of the reasons I sought out a stream of someone playing through these most recent campaign chapters, rather than just reading their summary. However, this is the first time that I’ve noticed them getting a basic audio transcription so wrong in such a critical way, and they never corrected that first article, even after the mistake was pointed out to them multiple times in the comments. We’re all already anxious and wary enough of how upcoming story is going to play out, we don’t need to add into the mix a popular and fairly respected fansite failing to correct blatant errors in their reporting. We had almost a whole week of people thinking that Sylvanas was claiming to have been mind-controlled for all her recent crimes and that there was going to be some sort of discussion about the possibility of her forgiving Arthas, and all of that was from Wowhead forming an opinion based on their own flawed transcription and presenting it as fact. None of that was in the actual audio they found in data mining.

Also, I agree with everything you said about News Corp. Ugh.