Exploring Azeroth: Northrend preview

It is my hope that, with Zovaal and the Lich King gone, it becomes easier to free and rehabilitate undead. It would smoothly replace the forsaken’s need to kill and raise living humans, which is especially convenient now that the Val’kyr are gone too.


Well, the series is Exploring Azeroth, so the Outlands would fall outside the scope. I imagine next will be Pandaria.


Maybe they just thought Exploring Northrend would be more relevant to players since we just finished up Shadowlands?


I’d say a combination of Wrath Classic coming out and the series being Exploring Azeroth.





it’s just so tedious tbh

unless Pandaria is Horde exploration but it prolly won’t be


For Pandaria i could see two possibilities

Aysa and Ji or Chen and Li Li.


I hope so. Outlands is genuinely what I’m most interested in.

It was Alliance for EK, Horde for Kalimdor, why are you surprise it went back Alliance?

The alternative is it ends up destroyed by the undead.

Nope. Har’koa was saved and aided us, while informing us that the other loa will return, like Rhunok. Though Quetz’lun was last known to be having fun by killing her traitorous priests, over and over again, in her little pocket dimension.


It’s been so long since I did Northrend questing. Thanks for the info :dracthyr_nod:


Mam’toth also supposedly destroyed himself forever, but his wildseed can be found in Ardenweald.


Love that consistency


It may be a lazy weird status quo thing, but one that oddly works in this context. If the Zandalari look to still be the cultural, militaristic, economic, and political head of troll nations, then maintaining an outpost, at the very least, in Zul’Drak kinda makes sense. What makes less sense is not doing it within Zul’Farak, Aman, and Gurub. Especially with wider Horde support, the Zandalari taking a resurgent role in troll politics seems like a fun and interesting direction.


Another book that specifically focuses on alliance characters and treats the Horde like a sidekick. I am not surprised. Alliance bias is still deeply rooted in the company’s philosophy. Sadly also no furtehr development on the Drakkari only that some filtyh dwarfs are plundering their stuff. It couldn’t be more obvious that Blizzard hates the Horde and everything related to it.

Hey, I agree. Magni, Muradin, and Brann are nothing but colonialist plunderers.


Yes sir. I believe they also had zombie trolls helping them. Poor guys… We couldn’t help ourselves killing the very last refugees from Zul’Drak/Northrend. Maybe some of us spared a few women and children.

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My expectations for this game are on the ground. Yet anymore Blizzard does something they get a shovel and dig deeper. Really What’s the point anymore?

Finally we can agree on something.

They shouldn’t be. After what the alliance pulled on their city any of their people should be a red flag and to be attacked on sight.

They should have chosen someone native to Northrend. Like a Taunka or a Tuskarr. Yet again they throw a bunch of alliance characters at us. Obvious bias is obvious.

They might have or the Horde Council asked their forces in Northrend to not attack them. Like they did for the EK book. Plus its Magni, Speaker of Azeroth, that is spoken to over Brann and Muradin.

Granted they were allowed in the town but other Horde outposts could easily only allow Magni entry. After all its one to have Alliance Ambassadors in Silvermoon City, and another to have an Alliance leader in a Horde outpost.