With the completion of the War Effort and the ringing of the gong, the 20-player Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj and 40-player Temple of Ahn’Qiraj become available, luring adventurers into their depths to face the Qiraji—and ultimately, the Old God C’Thun.
Druid: Genesis Raiment
Hunter: Striker’s Garb
Mage: Enigma Vestments
Priest: Garments of the Oracle
Rogue: Deathdealer’s Embrace
Shaman: Stormcaller’s Garb
Warlock: Doomcaller’s Attire
Warrior: Conqueror’s Battlegear
Blizzard, you forgot the Paladin class set from AQ40 (Avenger’s Battlegear). More proof that blizzard still has an anti-pally bias. Please don’t ignore an entire community of players.
It’s a really easy fix and they posted the link here.
Lets see how long it takes for them to read their own forums.
Not a Blizzard bias. It’s the priest in me. Sorry about that. It was added shortly after noticing the Paladin set was missing in the listing yesterday.
Paladins arent a real class.
Holy cow! Is this the same Nethaera from 10+ years ago or do they just like pass the moniker down like Batman or something?
An improvement, some might say.
Hey speak for your own server!