Exploration Mode

Autocorrect. Sorry I guess.

Warmode is devoid of people though. My point is that the game is an MMO, and there are RP realms for people who want to RP. It feels wrong to just add a toggle for someone to just make everything neutral and phase yourself out when this is supposed to be an MMO.

That’s why I’m more for a very limited sense of the feature, as I don’t think it should be promoted to the same scale as warmode. It shouldn’t just be what is essentially an entirely different server.

In my opinion, it should just be something like party sync, again, where it just ends the moment the party disbands. That being said I still think you should only be able to turn it on in Stormwind and Orgrimmar like Warmode.

Sure. Again I’m not fully against it, I just don’t want all the RPers to flock to and only play in this mode. Because I’m worried it will happen and a lot of the cool RP will just be shoved into an entirely separate phase. I like when it all overlaps. It makes the world feel more alive. (I know I sound a little like Blizz right now with trying to control how people play)

I don’t see myself utilizing this, but yea why not

The only thing I’d say is it should prevent you from attacking other npcs/players as well, since it could totally be abused otherwise


Translation: So I can come in from a non-RP server and be a public nuisance and spam toys such as the football, visual clutter toys ect.


The issue is that those people get griefed, don’t get quite the experience they’re looking for, etc.

It really doesn’t. An MMO doesn’t mean you have to be constantly surrounded by thousands of people you don’t know. Otherwise, raids and dungeons and five-man parties wouldn’t exist. And people won’t be alone if they go into this mode. Nor does it even affect people who don’t RP.

They can’t only play in that mode. All they can do there is RP. Nothing else. And whether they RP in some hut in the middle of nowhere where you don’t see them or RP in this mode where you don’t see them, it really doesn’t affect you.


Uh… no. Not at all. But you do you I guess.

I get that. But I don’t think the solution is just making them go into an entirely different world instance when this is just kind of what the game is like. A single group instance is fine though.

Just thought I’d bring this back to the forefront since I was reminded of it through a conversation over Discord.

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I’m certain this addition would spark massive changes in the RP community, and it’d be something everyone could find enjoyment and use in whether you RP or not.


I’d just like the bump this thread on the off chance a member of the community council with a desire to represent the RP community takes an interest in it.


No it doesnt.

You dont?

This is a grand idea. One worth them doing, which is why youll never see it happen.


They actually have this in an Assassins Creed game i played (Origins), you could activate this exploration/educational mode and stroll around different historical sites in ancient Egypt, it was really cool, there would be a glowing trail on the ground that you’d follow and when you arrive at locations of importance this NPC voice would tell you a bunch of facts about the location.


I’m sorry, I didn’t realize my subjective opinion could be objectively wrong :rofl:

Everyones opinion has the possibility of being wrong. :smiley:

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I’ll forward you to your local dictionary to explain the difference between subjective and objective :upside_down_face:

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I think you have the bones of a great idea here, it might need a bit more work and refining to actually make it properly usable. I think the big problem with creating a big toggleable RP shard is that the world is likely still going to be pretty much perpetually empty, you will likely ever only see your friends/guild or someone else hosting a public event while you’re actually out in the world, exploring. For good or worse. I don’t think making it possible for everyone to create their own instances is going to solve anything either, for that matter - RP can be very polarising and in the end we’ll split the community into 10000 different shards, never to see one another. A couple of things I’d throw in:

  • I don’t know if making ALL npcs neutral is a great idea, even if I do like the idea of players being able to attack their own faction. The issue is mainly that people do not really care much for other RPers immersion and will happily mow down any NPC around if they are attackable - right now they need to be of the opposite faction to do that, and they still manage to do that pretty effortlessly. It could be solved by making (almost) all NPCs non-hostile instead. Another solution is to remove enemies where they don’t make sense anymore - if we have cleared a camp of the Twilight’s Hammer lorewise, they wouldn’t need to stick around anymore, after all.
  • Horde and Alliance settlements need to be segregated. Like many commenters pointed out, we don’t want void elves in Silvermoon and orcs having tea in the Stormwind throne room. A couple of ways to fix that would be to make guards hostile and perhaps a bit stronger than usually, or have a teleport effect similar to what we have in Dalaran that will force others out of the cities.
  • The instance and dungeon stuff is perfect, nothing more to add.
  • Agreed completely with the progression disabling, and to add one more thing: you should not be able to enter and leave exploration mode at will. You shouldn’t be able to travel effortlessly through exploration mode only to toggle it off and skip all the mobs in Desmotaeron, for instance.
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Incase there was some misunderstanding, allow me to try to elaborate just in case.

There would only be a singular open world RP phase just as there is a singular open world PvP phase. The only place multiple phases would occur would be in instanced content which is already a thing anyways, but with the added features of Exploration Mode would allow them to be better used for RP purposes.

By neutral I meant that they’d be unable to be attacked at all, not that they’d all be flagged as “free for all”.

I completely understand this idea, but I personally disagree with it. Yes, it’s valid to claim that “a Void Elf shouldn’t be in Silvermoon and an Orc shouldn’t be having a tea party in the Stormwind throne room”. However, I feel you also have to keep in mind that there are plenty of instances where it would be valid.

For example, an individual like myself that RPs as a mainland Pandaren who is completely neutral and aligned to neither faction. She is required be the game to select Horde or Alliance (in my case I chose Alliance) but her story can’t be properly played out because I can’t go into Org. and sell my wears.

An Orc that has committed a crime within Alliance territory can’t be brought to Stormwind to undergo an RP trial.

A Human bandit can’t be recruited into the Horde if that’s the story they wanted to go with for their character.

I do greatly appreciate your response!

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Oh, sorry for misunderstanding some things, pretty good then :>

Oh I don’t disagree that we should be able to do that, but I just don’t think exploration mode should be the solution to that - I’d rather have a third, neutral faction for that, which I doubt we’ll get, but we can dream.

The main reason it ought to be separate is mostly down to immersion, because if there were no limitations on where you could go, what’s really stopping all orc RPers from settling down in Stormwind and making it their own? (admittedly that would be a cool RP storyline that I’d be down for).

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I’ve wanted to roleplay events within multiple dungeons. I feel like they’re wasted, and an “Expedition Mode” would definitely help us utilize what Blizzard’s created. Shadowfang Keep, Scholomance, and Karazhan are the first few I’d take advantage of.


I saw your post on player housing and i just want to point out that Pandaria had the first iteration in the Halfhill Market (which was a good first step that could be expanded upon

player housing

halfhill market in pandaria is the perfect first iteration

to expand on it, we should be able to build one near our capitals (in friendly/green territories) and allow racial buildings

A few locations that i can think of:
Sathriels Haven, the NPC can go bankrupt or killed by something and you get their land
Ruins of Silvermoon, maybe tidy up half of it to minimize questing disruption

Phasing: you will always only see your own house unless in someone elses group and you’ve set your view to the party leads (same concept as WoD Garrison)
But, when at a house that is not on the same plot as yours (such as barrens) you will see a randomly generated house, unless in group with someone who does own land there

You will never be able to see someones house unless you are grouped with them

The house can be expanded to include a farm that can be updated with a seed/calf vendor for current exp mats, infinitely increasing replay value and keeping it relevant but optional
Farmland can be used for crops or meat or RP props (Halfhill Market allows user to plant and grow trees. When harvesting these trees you get a consumable item that lets you plant a tree anywhere in the game for 3 min. They provide no buff and you cannot interact with them. Pure RP prop)

The house can also store tools to make other props, such as tents, beds, boxes

Trophies for more customization as well as other knick knacks (flyin tome, belf hookah)
Can include banners as well.

One mount parking space

The RP Community Megathread - Wyrmrest Accord - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

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Here are some ideas I got for the single housing (please keep in mind it’s just ideas so some can be good or bad :sweat_smile:):

  • You can’t fly when you are in your house + there are no flight path in your house.
  • Every of your characters can have house but only one per character.
    If you want another one (new location) for the same character, you will got the new one but everything will be reset (except the decorations you already have + your music rolls) for the old one and you will lose the access to this one.
  • You can invite your friends in your house using a toy (30s cooldown) sells by a vendor. It opens a portal to your house. Open a portal to your house for 50 seconds.
  • You can choose your location for your house at Stormwind/Orgrimmar. Same thing if you want a new location.
  • How it works when you’re inside:
    Same concept as WoD Garrison => When you’re in your “house”, only you are inside. Of course you can invite your friends to come too.
  • Where:
    “Nowhere” => The location of your house is “unknown” but you know where you are (if your house is in Elwynn forest, you know you’re somewhere in the Elwynn forest but your “location” is “unknown”).
    So with that “concept” we can have many more locations for housing without having troubles with the current maps.
    => The best example I have for that is the Darkmoon Faire isle. You know where you are but your location is “unknown”.
  • Locations:

    • Elwynn Forest (human architecture style)
    • Durotar (orc architecture style)
    • Ashenvale (night elf architecture style)
    • Eversong Woods (blood elf architecture style)
    • Dun Morogh (dwarf architecture style)
    • Tirisfal Glades (forsaken architecture style)
    • Feralas (mix between “hunter”/highborne/night elf architecture style)
    • The Hinterlands (wildhammer dwarf architecture style)
    • Eastern Plaguelands (“creepy” architecture style)
    • Duskwood (haunted architecture style)
    • Winterspring (“Arctic” architecture style => like Everlook)
    • Grizzly Hills (“Grizzly Hills” architecture style)
    • Valley of the Four Winds (pandaren farmer architecture style)
    • The Jade Forest (pandaren/mogu empire architecture style)
    • Val’sharah (druid architecture style => like the Dreamgrove)
    • Stormheim (vrykul architecture style)
    • Tiragarde Sound (kul tiran architecture style)
    • Zuldazar (zandalari architecture style)

    (all buildings will be in the architecture style from their location except for your class building)

  • Buildings we could have:
    • Our house
    • An Inn
    • A stable => You can put 5 of your favorite mounts (as the stable of the WoD Garrison). It’s for each character and not all character, as the stable of the WoD Garrison where we have the same for all characters.
      Here each of your characters can choose what mounts it wants to see in its stable (up to 5).
      Just speak with the character in your stable to “save” your 5 favourite mounts.
    • Many other ones just for cosmetic like a mage tower, a barn, an engineering works, a tailoring emporium, a forge, an arcane sanctum, a lumber yard, an arsenal
  • Building positioning:
    • As in the WoD Garrison => You will have two large plots, two medium plots and three small plots. You will have your house too (but it doesn’t count in the plots you will take to build your other buildings).
    • Use the architect’s table in your house to choose the location and to build the building. The architect’s table is only for buildings and not decorations.
    • When you build a building there are generic characters with generic names inside => You can change their appearance (change its race and its sex).
  • Class buildings:
    It’s a building exclusive to your class. You can built it according to your class. It can be a building for a large plot or a medium plot.
    Here are two examples:
    • Class building for hunter: Pet Den => You can put 5 of your favorite pets as hunter.
      You can see them walking in this building and you can have some interactions with them (at least pat them like Deathfang, Draka’s Companion).
      The Pet Den architecture can be different according to the location you are (for example: Durotar Pet Den can be a metallic building, Dun Morogh Pet Den can be a little cave and Elwynn Forest Pet Den can be a cozy hut for your pets).
      Just speak with the character in your Pet Den to “save” your 5 favourite pets.
    • Class building for warlocks: Warlock Sanctum => You can put your demonic minions here.
      You can have interactions with them except for the Felhunter (pat option).
      We can find many interactions for your demonic minions like “Hello”, “What are you doing”, “What do you like/dislike”, “How are you”, “Goodbye”, etc. There is no need to have audio, texts should be enough.
      You can only put the ones you have => Imp or Fel Imp + Voidwalker or Voidlord + Sayaad (Succubus/Incubus) or Shivarra + Felhunter or Observer + Felguard or Wrathguard (only for Demonology warlocks).
      Glyphs work with the Warlock Sanctum (your Imp will become a Fel Imp in your Warlock Sanctum)
  • NPCs:
    • Three types:
      • Racial guards:
        You can enable or disable them.
        Default racial guards: Humans or Orcs.
        You can change them with another when you are exalted with one of these factions (buy the item to the reputation vendor to unlock this option on your character or your account):

        • Alliance:
          • Darnassus (Night Elf)
          • Gnomeregan (Gnome)
          • Ironforge (Ironforge Dwarf)
          • The Exodar (Draenei)
          • Gilneas (Worgen)
          • Tushui Pandarens (Tushui Pandaren)
          • Kurenaï (Broken)
          • The Silver Covenant (High Elf)
          • Wildhammer Clan (Wildhammer Dwarf)
          • Pearlfin Jinyu (Jinyu)
          • Argussian Reach (Void Elf)
          • Army of the Light (Lightforged Draenei)
          • 7th Legion (Dark Iron Dwarf)
          • Proudmoore Admiralty (Kul Tiran)
          • The Waveblade Ankoan (Ankoan)
        • Horde:
          • Thunderbluff (Tauren)
          • Darkspear Trolls (Darkspear Troll)
          • Undercity (Forsaken)
          • Silvermoon City (Blood Elf)
          • Bilgewater Cartel (Goblin)
          • Huojin Pandarens (Huojin Pandaren)
          • Undercity (Dark Ranger)
          • The Taunka (Taunka)
          • Dragonmaw Clan (Dragonmaw Orc)
          • Highmountain Tribe (Highmountain Tauren)
          • The Nightfallen (Nightborne)
          • The Honorbound (Mag’har Orc)
          • Zandalari Empire (Zandalari Troll)
          • Voldunai (Vulpera)
        • Death Knight:
          • Knights of the Ebon Blade (Death Knights)

        According to class and your faction, you can choose a special guard type. You need to finish your Class Hall Campaign from Legion for that:

        • Warrior:
          • 7th Legion Shock Force (Alliance) => Humans + Dwarves + Night Elves + Draenei
          • Kor’kron Shock Force (Horde) => Orcs + Trolls + Taurens
        • Paladin:
          • Silver Hand Templar (Alliance) => Humans + Draenei + High Elves or Argus Purifier (Alliance) => Draenei
          • Blood Knight (Horde) => Blood Elves
          • Sunwalker Keeper (Horde) => Taurens
        • Hunter:
          • Squad of Archers => Blood Elves + Humans + Dwarves + Night Elves + Orcs + Worgens + Taurens
          • Band of Trackers => Humans + Blood Elves + Night Elves + Worgens + Trolls + Goblins
        • Rogue:
          • Gang of Bandits => Pandarens + Trolls + Humans + Worgens + Night Elves + Forsaken + Orcs
          • Defias Thieves => Humans + Blood Elves + Night Elves + Trolls + Worgens + Forsaken + Goblins + Gnomes
        • Priest:
          • Group of Acolytes => Humans + Blood Elves + Dwarves + Goblins + Trolls + Night Elves
          • Netherlight Paragons => Humans + Night Elves + Draenei + Blood Elves + Forsaken + Worgens + Trolls
        • Shaman:
          • Circle of Earthcallers => Dwarves + Orcs + Pandarens + Trolls + Goblins + Draenei + Taurens
          • Earthen Ring Geomancers => Draenei + Orcs + Goblins + Pandarens + Trolls + Dwarves
        • Mage:
          • Tirisgarde Apprentices => Humans + Blood Elves + Night Elves + Goblins + Gnomes + Trolls + Forsaken
          • Kirin Tor Invokers => Humans + Blood Elves + Orcs + Draenei + Trolls + Worgens + Pandarens + Gnomes
        • Warlock:
          • Black Harvest Acolytes => Humans + Blood Elves + Forsaken + Worgens + Orcs + Dwarves
          • Black Harvest Invokers => Humans + Worgens + Orcs + Forsaken
        • Druid:
          • Druids of the Claw => Trolls + Night Elves + Taurens + Worgens
        • Monk:
          • Ox Masters => Blood Elves + Orcs + Humans + Draenei + Forsaken + Pandarens + Taurens
          • Tiger Masters => Pandarens + Blood Elves + Night Elves + Orcs + Trolls + Draenei + Humans +
        • Death Kight:
          • Ebon Knights => Night Elves + Trolls + Blood Elves + Forsaken + Orcs + Dwarves + Gnomes
          • Ebon Ravagers => Humans + Orcs + Dreaeni + Taurens + Forsaken + Blood Elves + Worgens + Dwarves
        • Illidari:
          • Illidari Troops => Illidari Adepts (Night Elves + Blood Elves) + Naga Myrmidons + Shivarra + Ashtongue Warriors + Transformed Illidari Adepts (Night Elves + Blood Elves)
      • NPCs customization:
        You can change the appearance for some characters (characters when you build a building + innkeeper + characters for repairs and vendors + character for your portal: Stormwind/Orgrimmar + character for your personal bank + character in your stable + character for your building class if there is).
        Racial guards cann’t be changed.
        Each appearance source owns its own appearances (1 male/1 female) with generic name.
        You can change them with another when you are exalted with one of these factions (buy the item to the reputation vendor to unlock this option on your character or your account) or get it in dungeons and raids:

        • Alliance:
          • Stormwind (Human)
          • Darnassus (Night Elf)
          • Gnomeregan (Gnome)
          • Ironforge (Ironforge Dwarf)
          • The Exodar (Draenei)
          • Gilneas (Worgen)
          • Tushui Pandarens (Tushui Pandaren)
          • Kurenaï (Broken)
          • The Silver Covenant (High Elf)
          • Wildhammer Clan (Wildhammer Dwarf)
          • Pearlfin Jinyu (Jinyu)
          • 7th Legion (Dark Iron Dwarf)
          • Proudmoore Admiralty (Kul Tiran)
          • The Waveblade Ankoan (Ankoan)
        • Horde:
          • Orgrimmar (Orc)
          • Thunderbluff (Tauren)
          • Darkspear Trolls (Darkspear Troll)
          • Undercity (Forsaken)
          • Silvermoon City (Blood Elf)
          • Bilgewater Cartel (Goblin)
          • Huojin Pandarens (Huojin Pandaren)
          • The Taunka (Taunka)
          • Dragonmaw Clan (Dragonmaw Orc)
          • Forest Hozen (Hozen)
          • The Honorbound (Mag’har Orc)
          • Zandalari Empire (Zandalari Troll)
          • Voldunai (Vulpera)
          • The Unshackled (Gilgoblin)
        • Neutral:
          • Cenarion Circle (Druid)
          • The Consortium (Ethereal)
          • Ogri’la (Ogre)
          • Kirin Tor (Mage)
          • The Kalu’ak (Kalu’ak)
          • Knights of the Ebon Blade (Death Knight)
          • Argent Crusader (Paladin)
          • The Earthen Ring (Shaman)
          • Shado-Pan (Shado-Pan)
          • Steamwheedle Preservation Society (Goblin)
          • Arakkoa Outcasts (Arakkoa)
          • Armies of Legionfall (Demon Hunter)
          • Valarjar (Val’kyr)
          • Court of Farondis (Banshee)
          • Dreamweavers (Druid)
          • Highmountain Tribe (Highmountain Tauren)
          • Argussian Reach (Void Elf)
          • Army of the Light (Lightforged Draenei)
          • The Nightfallen (Nightborne)
          • Tortollan Seekers (Tortollan)
          • Rustbolt Resistance (Mechagnome)
        • Dungeons:
          • Scholomance (Necromancer)
          • Sethekk Halls (Arakkoa)
          • Steamvault (Leper gnome)
          • Magisters’ Terrace (Blood Elf)
          • Halls of Lightning (Iron dwarf)
          • Pit of Saron (Ghoul)
          • Zul’Gurub (Jungle Troll)
          • Auchindoun (Draenei)
          • Shadowmoon Burial Grounds (Orc)
          • Skyreach (Arakkoa WoD)
          • Black Rook Hold (Wyrmtongue)
          • Eye of Azshara (Murloc)
          • Court of Stars (Nightborne)
          • Vault of the Wardens (Warden)
          • Freehold (Kul Tiran)
          • Operation: Mechagon (Mechagnome)
          • Siege of Boralus (Human)
          • Tol Dagor (Vulpera)
          • Temple of Sethraliss (Sethrak)
        • Raids:
          • Ulduar (Mechagnome)
          • Icecrown Citadel (Abomination)
          • Heart of Fear (Mantid - Klaxxi)
          • Throne of Thunder (Saurok)
          • Highmaul (Ogre)
          • Battle of Dazar’alor (Zandalari Troll)
          • Eternal Palace (Naga)
      • Old acquaintances:
        You can have some of your old acquaintances in your house. It depends of your class and your faction. You need to finish your Class Hall Campaign from Legion for some of these old acquaintances:

        • Warrior:
          • Darius Crowley (Alliance) or Eitrigg (Horde)
          • Finna Bjornsdottir
          • Renfield
          • Savyn Valorborn
        • Paladin:
          • Arator the Redeemer (Alliance) or Lady Liadrin (Horde)
          • Delas Moonfang (Alliance) or Aponi Brightmane (Horde)
          • Justicar Julia Celeste
        • Hunter:
          • Emmarel Shadewarden (Alliance) or Rexxar (Horde)
          • Huntsman Blake (Alliance) or Halduron Brightwing (Horde)
          • Beastmaster Hilaire
          • Nighthuntress Syrenne
        • Rogue:
          • Tess Greymane (Alliance) or Lilian Voss (Horde)
          • Mathias Shaw (Alliance) or Garona Halforcen (Horde)
          • Valeera Sanguinar
          • Marin Noggenfogger
          • Taoshi
        • Priest:
          • Zabra Hexx
          • Ishanah
          • Alonsus Faol
          • Mariella Ward
        • Shaman: Farseer
          • Nobundo (Alliance) or Rehgar Earthfury (Horde)
          • Stormcaller Mylra (Alliance) or Muln Earthfury (Horde)
          • Duke Hydraxis
          • Magatha Grimtotem
        • Mage:
          • Ravandwyr (Alliance) or Esara Verrinde (Horde)
          • Meryl Felstorm
          • Archmage Modera
          • Millhouse Manastorm
          • The Great Akazamzarak
        • Warlock:
          • Kira Iresoul
          • Zinnin Smythe
          • Shinfel Blightsworn
          • Ritssyn Flamescowl
          • Eredar Twins
        • Druid:
          • Broll Bearmantle (Alliance) or Hamuul Runetotem (Horde)
          • Zen’tabra
          • Naralex
        • Monk:
          • Taran Zhu
          • Hiro
          • Aegira
          • Sylendra Gladesong
          • Brewer Almai
        • Death Kight:
          • Thassarian (Alliance) or Koltira Deathweaver (Horde)
          • Sally Whitemane
          • Minerva Ravensorrow
        • Illidari:
          • Kor’vas Bloodthorn
          • Belath Dawnblade
          • Allari the Souleater
          • Matron Mother Malevolence
          • Lady S’theno
  • Banners:
    You can enable or disable them.
    Default banners: Alliance or Horde.
    You can change them with another when you are exalted with one of these factions (buy the item to the reputation vendor to unlock this option on your character or your account):
    • Alliance:
      • Stormwind (Human)
      • Darnassus (Night Elf)
      • Gnomeregan (Gnome)
      • Ironforge (Ironforge Dwarf)
      • The Exodar (Draenei)
      • Gilneas (Worgen)
      • Tushui Pandarens (Tushui Pandaren)
      • Wildhammer Clan (Wildhammer Dwarf)
      • Darnassus (Shen’dralar)
      • Pearlfin Jinyu (Jinyu)
      • The Silver Covenant (High Elf)
      • Kirin Tor Offensive (Kirin Tor Offensive)
      • Sha’tari Defense (Sha’tari Defense)
      • Argussian Reach (Void Elf)
      • Army of the Light (Lightforged Draenei)
      • 7th Legion (Dark Iron Dwarf)
      • Proudmoore Admiralty (House Proudmoore)
      • Storm’s Wake (House Stormsong)
      • Order of Embers (House Waycrest)
      • The Waveblade Ankoan (Ankoan)
    • Horde:
      • Orgrimmar (Orc)
      • Thunderbluff (Tauren)
      • Darkspear Trolls (Darkspear Troll)
      • Undercity (Forsaken)
      • Silvermoon City (Blood Elf)
      • Bilgewater Cartel (Goblin)
      • Huojin Pandarens (Huojin Pandaren)
      • The Mag’har (Mag’har Orc)
      • Dragonmaw Clan (Dragonmaw Orc)
      • Sunreaver Onslaught (Sunreaver)
      • Frostwolf Orcs (Frostwolf Orcs)
      • Laughing Skull Orcs (Laughing Skull Orc)
      • Highmountain Tribe (Highmountain Tauren)
      • Zandalari Empire (Zandalari Troll)
      • Talanji’s Expedition (Amani)
      • Voldunai (Vulpera)
      • The Honorbound (San’layn)
      • The Unshackled (Unshackled)
    • Neutral:
      • Cenarion Circle (Druid)
      • Argent Dawn (Argent Dawn)
      • Kirin Tor (Kirin Tor)
      • Ogri’la (Ogre)
      • Argent Crusader (Argent Crusader)
      • The Earthen Ring (Shaman)
      • The Klaxxi (The Klaxxi)
      • Shado-Pan (Shado-Pan)
      • The Ashen Verdict (Scourge)
      • Steamwheedle Preservation Society (Steamwheedle Cartel)
      • Arakkoa Outcasts (Arakkoa)
      • Armies of Legionfall (Legionfall)
      • Valarjar (Valarjar)
      • The Nightfallen (Nightborne)
  • How can we get new decorations:
    • Reputations
    • Dungeons/Raids
    • Professions
    • Achievements
    • Quests
    • Vendors
  • What kind of decorations can we get:
    Statues, fountains, new chair models, new painting models and many other models
  • Decoration positioning:
    I don’t know how for now but I’m sure we can find something pretty nice.
  • Useful “tools” for housing:
    • Hearthstone to go in your house (if you delete it, don’t worry, you will receive another one in your mailbox)
    • Innkeeper (sell you Food & Drink for all levels)
    • Vendor + Repairs
    • Portal: Stormwind or Orgrimmar
    • Personal Bank
    • Mailbox
  • Music for housing:
    Same concept as WoD Garrison => You get the music rolls with the same way as WoD Garrison with more new music tracks.
    You already have your jukebox when you got your house.
    You can choose the default music for your house.
    You can change it when you want.
  • Size:
    No need to have a too big area. The WoD Garrison size or the Hall Class (Legion) size should be enough.
  • What can we keep from WoD Garrison:
    • The plots for buildings
    • Jukebox
    • Hearthstone
    • Choose your racial guards
    • Choose your banners
    • Stable but with 5 of your favorite mounts + For each character and not all character, as the stable of the WoD Garrison where we have the same for all characters
    • The architect’s table

I hope this post would be helpful :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Thought I’d revive this thread a bit since a similar discussion has recently appeared.
This will continue to be one of my most desired features that I hope to see in the game someday as a long time member of the RP community.