Exploiting: PvP Edition

PREFACE: I know this is GD, but devs seem to read these subforums more than Arena’s.

Earlier this morning, Kaivax made this announcement:

That’s great! I’m happy Blizzard has taken a stand against exploitation so rewards aren’t diminished by exploitation.

However, PvE isn’t the only area of the game effected players have been exploiting bugs to gain anywhere from 100-400 rating.

The most infamous bug was the Phantom Pain BM hunter bug, which was fixed but the damage was already done.

I’m hoping actions are taken against these players as well.



We have seen what has been done in response to the pve abuse, we would greatly appreciate knowing that the same will be done on the PvP end.

Thank you Kydrav!



lmao, even

Hey, gotta try somehow :man_shrugging:.

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I mean, good luck… but I’m pretty sure they read the PvP forums more than this cesspit.

The cobwebs are not relatively fresh, here, we just get the news posts.

Thanks for the free bump.

Always predictable!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Same. Looking forward to Blizzard’s response on this. :metal:


Hopefully we get one.

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Surely there will be a response to this, the pve players got a highly specific one.

PvP crowd deserves the same level of respect.

Forgive me if I am wrong, but the only step to trigger this bug was to have picked a talent. The rogue exploit involved engineering a specific circumstance highly unlikely to happen naturally. I can see rating adjustments where necessary, but I think that a bug that passively happens from normal gameplay shouldn’t result in account actions like a bug that requires specific circumstances to exploit.

This is my problem with it, players were abusing it to gain ratings they shouldn’t have (lows of 100, highs of 400 rating).

In a rating based system, that’s exploitation imo.

Would be happy if they rolled it back.

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Sure but where’s the blitz atention at?

I don’t think anyone should be outright banned for the phantom pain bug, because like you say it was different. However, the hunters who obviously shot up hundreds of rating after being hardstuck should definitely be lowered back down to where the were and receive some sort of warning. It was painfully obvious what was going on, pun intended, and they made the game aactively worse for everyone else. And blizz deserves a warning as well, but the playerbase is apparently more than happy to eat up the new 90$ sloposaur.


I agree with this, the only edit I want to make is for high end players who did it. Multi r1 players knew immediately that it was broken, many refused to heal the players doing it. We even had an AWC competitor abuse it.

Those people need steeper penalties.

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Aaaany minute now I’m sure…any minute now…