Explaining Domination Gear to Casual Guildies

Am I the only one who thinks Blizz overcomplicate themselves and most players with systems after systems and currencies on top of currencies?


Even the gaming psychologists they employ are even confused by the systems as this point.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Casual means “I want Blizzard to do what I want so I’m going to pretend the majority of the playerbase play the same way that I do and want the same things I do, so that I can pretend to threaten Blizzard monetarily”.

It’s a bit dumb though - Blizzard has their own internal metrics that they make decisions based off of. You can’t “fool” Blizzard. Blizzard has to see mass panic in their data, not in a forum post, to decide to act.

Now, it is certainly possible to create a panic - content creators rallying people to unsub from the game does seem to work from time to time when the game is in bad shape, but some random guy on a forum post isn’t going to fool Blizzard, it’s a joke.


Its really not very complicated, set of gear from raid you can put sockets in, thats all it is and it will be cool. I know I’m excited to get the set

Welp I don’t feel the least bit bad about never getting around to crafting a legendary on any character. I only have one other 60 besides this one, I had reasonable expectations (I thought) but this expansion has been a dud for me and I don’t see that changing with 9.1.

Good thing I have TBC, much as I’d rather have LK, once wrath classic has LFR I may never go back to retail.

As a true casual player all the stuff that needs done once you reach cap in SL is overwhelming and I don’t have the time or inclination to do more than tiny ineffectual bits of it, hence why I haven’t touched it since TBC prepatch. I am aware TBC will break down pretty much entirely for a casual asocial player like myself once I cap, but I dunno at least I can fail into resilience gear or . . . grind rep? More likely just wait for wrath.

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Im just in awe at the arrogance of it all. How many times does the community need to explain they dont like these systems. Maybe one is fine if its an optional grind.

Its all so tiresome.



Yo Mag-Mag, does Azerite need my help?

Nope ,your not .

Blizz for the last few expansions have hit the world of scope creep . They keep on adding system after system to the point that they over complicate things and create problems that create the need for more systems which in turn create more problems.

They need to slow their roll and learn the acronym K.I.S.S.


I’m not a huge fan just because the gems are generic and boring and tier is way better, but that’s still a lot of words to say:

“Raids will have drops with special sockets and gems that go in them. Having 3 of the same color will give a set bonus in the raid.”

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IKR? I was watching a video explaining it just yesterday, and I thought to myself…ok, pick a class, pick a spec, pick talents, pick a covenant, pick a soulbind, pick conduits, pick legendaries, pick gems.

Gear accordingly.

Then min/max it all 4 different ways for 4 different types of content - Raids, Mythics, PvP, and Torghast.

Just thinking about it made me take a nap as I had the epiphany that I’d be noping out of all of it since I know it will all be obsolete come 10.0.


I’m so casual idek what to do besides collect system currency stuff. As far as spending any of it properly IDK.

Once I get back from beach (currently at OBX) I’m gonna switch my prot war to fury. Tanking is for poops and I’m straight terrified to tank in dungeons.

I have my main legendary on boots and a cloak and a secondary one on a ring. I am profoundly relieved as well

Chances are I won’t have domination gear unless it drops from LFR. But, on the off chance that I do, I am also thankful since my Legendary is on gloves and there isn’t any glove domination gear for clothies. (on my main, that is)

Or, well, I see technically some does, but it’s not part of the “five” that I would need.

Ok, set bonuses and sockets are cool and all but did they even stop to think about legendries? Wouldn’t it have been easier to make them all on a cloak or ring or neck or something that wouldn’t conflict with armor sets further down the line. I mean I assume they knew they were going to make sets with bonuses when they designed the legendries right?


The gear and gems only drop from normal and up. I think there’s Korthia gear with sockets, but no gems.

Item levels come and go, but Transmog is forever.

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Ah, ok, then I can push worrying about that off my plate. lol

Exactly. That’s why I’m bitter about Anima (at least for now - we’ll see how much more we get later on.) I totally understand why people raid or do mythics for fun. Though, I’m not entirely sure why people beat their heads against the wall for things that will become obsolete, while calling transmogs “optional content.” lol

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The previous game design used to allow them to collect data.

Now they use data to make game design.

There is a big difference between making a fun game and using data to measure that versus just making a game based on a spreadsheet.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Best said here:

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Barely play for 2 months and come back for this?

The forum has become greek