Explain This Stupidity

Why on earth is it acceptable to have 3x of any class in a solo shuffle? Especially when it comes to 3x Shaman of every flavor.

It’s an unbearable matchup for casters, and annoying AF on the new DF map that easily is at the top 3 of the worst (should be deleted) maps available for arena.

Honestly having 3x of most classes is annoying, but it’s extra frustrating when it’s against 3 totem pooping terds who can literally ruin any shuffle session. I’ll say this… if you want to IMPROVE queue times stop dumping the triple (class) crap on us. It’s terrible design/gameplay.

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How to tilt a mage

2 rshams, enhance, ele, bm, mage

yes I’ve been there and got a fat 0-6 as fire

If it helps and you don’t know you can play Mass Polymorph which ignores grounding totems. Its about the only time I would ever play that is double sham. Its also good vs bm if they arent running undead pets cus of rets and you can poly all the pets.

Most shammys dont even know this so they won’t bother shearing mass poly like LOLDUMBMAGEIMGROUNDED…OWAIT HUH


We have found the one mage using this talent… and of course it would be setback

what a chad

I think that would make queue times worse

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You would be surprised how many polys i’ve pulled on rshams with it when I do run it haha. I think most mages dont even know since its PBAOE it ignores grounding besides the amount of shamans who dont realize it either

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Its funny how stuff like this that is genuinely useful (even if niche) goes so unnoticed when a class isn’t fotm/Stier etc


Ya i mean in an RMP setting its prob not ideal but everywhere else idk its not the worst thing in world when your trained.

I’m hoping the new master shepherd makes it not heal as well. Idk because like I can’t interact with it by giving it a polymorph variant and knowing blizzard it prob wont benefit from talent for w.e buggy reason that takes 6 months to fix

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Double Warrior versus double Rogue is pretty awful as well. Some comps are just absolutely broken.

Last night I was in a game with my MM hunter. There was a Survival hunter and a BM hunter in the lobby as well. 2 Disc priest and a Ret pally as 4th DPS.

It was pretty fun.

MM is bugged atm don’t bother playing it bro

Ever find a way of replicating the aimed shot thing?

No but when i tried to play it yesterday went horribly

post 29 is the screenshots of a shuffle yesterday

literally doing negative damage

most of time I’m doing half my tooltip damage roughly or less

The same can be said about having 3 melee or 3 ranged. Sometimes it’s going to be in your favor. Sometimes it’s not…

One game I did last night was BM, MM, Demo. Thankfully the hunter’s were bad and I still managed to get 3:3, but it was an awful match up. Perma slowed. Can’t leave the pillar for even a second. Had the hunter’s been even slightly decent I would have gone 0-6. Games are way more fun when it’s 2 melee and 2 ranged.

Fought a double hpal ret, bm, ww team… i got ran at every. Single. Game. Infinite freedoms and mobility :frowning:

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It’s not so bad, I haven’t had that bug happen. Yesterday I was able to reach 1800 rating finally.

When it does happen you’ll know.

Here is an example of a 3s match I did bugged. There is 27 bugged aimshots for you that was 11 days ago. I have a recent one yesterday bottom one. I’m in que for a shuffle now I’ll bump bug report with new ones. I just deleted/restored my hunter hoping that fixes it temporarily so i can play MM a little



Been saying this. They should go ahead and configure the queue system to priotize this structure. Match quality will increase, which would ideally lead to greater healer participation in response to the more bearable lobbies.

they might as well let aim shot restore health to the enemy at this point


Now that ret has a longer range, I honestly kinda feel like the double freedom talent should have a drawback. I know it’s dispellable now, which is good, but feels like maybe it should be “You both get freedom, but when cast on an ally, duration is halved.”

That way it would be 4 seconds of omega zug rather than 8, and rets could make a tactical choice to freedom themselves only if needed.

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The most annoying thing to me is the extra 3 yards or w/e that they get on kick. I think ret is in a much healthier spot after these more recent changes, but i still think that the ret/warrior combo is way too durable.

When any comp, melee cleave or caster, is allowed to just press W all game and the other team HAS to play defensively almost exclusively (assuming equal levels of play), it creates some really frustrating gameplay.