A Facebook driven effort to distract from all the harm they’ve willfully done to society.
"Fine! I’ll go build my own society!" ~ Zuckerberg
A Facebook driven effort to distract from all the harm they’ve willfully done to society.
"Fine! I’ll go build my own society!" ~ Zuckerberg
Not to mention how poorly timed the release is considering the cost of the equipment needed, the chip shortage inhibiting the production of that equipment, and logistical problems delivering what equipment is available. Who knew Covid would save us from Mark.
The metaverse is a place made up of people’s cognitions. If the cognition is twisted enough, spirits converge towards it and it’s called a Palace. In there, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts steal treasures, the source of the twisted cognition of the person who’s palace belongs to. When that treasure is stolen, the person suffers a change of heart, which will compels them to confess everything they’ve done and even in some very rare occasion, kill themselves over the burden.
Oh wait, wrong metaverse?
All I know is if I say the word “NFT”, I expect you to give me your credit card number.
Yeah, wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the next step in NFTs. Going from paying for an image you don’t own to paying for an avatar you don’t own. But still get to brag about paying so much for it and trying to sell it for more then you paid for it.
Corporate takeover of the internet.
Can I turn into Liberty Prime and start blasting fools?
Metaverse is going to be whatever the people with the money and resources think will get them the most money and resources.
Common perception is that it will end up being some sort of Ready Player One style OASIS… but I think it’s going to basically be facebook with a new interface they will trick you into paying for loaded up with microtransactions.
Josh Strife Hayes has a great Video explaining NFTs and it basically posits the argument (And I’m ad libbing here) “I would like to sell you nothing. That’s a great deal for me, and not a great deal for you… but I would like to do it anyways by tricking you, and NFTs are how I will do that.” I think the Metaverse will be something like that.
Facebook with the worlds largest cash shop and a subscription “premium” service setup is what Metaverse will probably end up being, at least that’s what my opinion is on it based on what I think I understand about it.
I think the dream, from the provider’s point of view, would be something like selling a teenager a $200 pair of designer sneakers for their avatar, and far more importantly that doing this is viewed as normal by the general population.
The “metaverse”? Like WoW, but A LOT duller.
It’s a new buzzword to describe the Games Industry, particularly VR but not exclusively, because Gaming/Gamer has a negative stigma attached to it in certain circles. It’s a means for developers to take control away from consumers by laying the groundwork for an always online platform so you don’t actually own any of the products you purchase.
It’s probably just going to end up being an overly expensive version of VR Chat, but instead of everything being free and user generated/created. You have to buy everything.
And it will be linked to your Facebook.
Boy I can’t wait for the cyberstalking lawsuits.
Oh and it will be recording everything you say in order to run your words through an advertising engine to sell you things and sell you to things.
I watched a video of someone at a Metaverse bar and comedy club, and I hate that I found myself actually wanting to try it. I don’t think it will replace the social outing, but it has potential to make online social gatherings feel more personal.
Attending a live Chappelle standup in the Metaverse? Could be fun.
By definition a metaverse is a network of virtual worlds that we can partake in.
More than likely there won’t be ONE metaverse. I believe there will be multiple verses. MS might build one, Meta might build one, ETC.
The idea that somehow there will be one virtual world that all companies are part of is unlikely. That concept of the metaverse would need its own ruling body, which I doubt would be feasible for a virtual world.
However, one verse could be more popular and thus more people will use it over another. Just like a game becomes popular. More than likely that popularity like any gaming or social platform will be cyclical.
But the idea that there will be one metaverse, i.e. one ring to rule them all, is more of an idealistic fantasy than reality.
All of this sounds like a game that I was writing lore for over ten years ago, where the characters had to transport into a computer system, to rebuild the game world, one innovation at a time. Starting with 8-bit games like Pong and Atari 2600 games, and eventually unlocking additional colors, faux-3D, through 16-bit, 32-bit, etc, until eventually unlocking concepts like online gaming, connecting to social media, squad commands, RTS, FPS, etc. Everything needs to be unlocked before that mode can be played, sort of like a history of gaming game.
One of the things the characters were keenly aware of, was that many others had “received” the same, or similar ideas, like The Matrix, Red Dwarf, Tron, Digimon, and more recently Ready Player One, Black Mirror, and actual VR like PSVR, Oculus, etc.
Somewhat meta, I also understand the concept of ideas coming from different places, and the first to copyright it often gets the rewards.
if you want haha
Do they want to see us in the shower?
Imagine a shower and the whole time you’re getting pop-up ads on the wall.
What little I’ve read about it makes me feel like someone thought The Matrix should actually exist.
This whole post is practically perfect, but I wanted to comment on this part in particular. Wow’s early developers solved a big problem all virtual worlds have… that is in Dr Bartle’s card suit analogues, how does one deal with the clubs. Wow created instanced PvP with world relevance and PvP servers. Instead of separating the clubs (pvper/griefers) from the hearts (roleplayers/socializers), WoW combined them on RP/PvP servers. Every attempt to reinvent that solution has been so much worse.
The people that Microsoft acquired are not the innovative world builders. They are not the ingenious problem solvers. They are the inheritors of a system so good that it can survive most of their mistakes as long as they update the art and graphics once in a while.
Don’t worry, you’re not alone either.
Nope. Is that like The Matrix but Gaming?..