Hellooo! Can someone explain the arcane discipline of Evocation to me? I understand all of the other disciplines are pretty straight forward but I can’t quite find what evocation is used for.
There’s a bit of haziness when it comes to Evocation. Going by the in game books about the Schools of Arcane Magic, Evocation is referred to as School itself but there is no material explaining it further.
Given that the in game spell of the same name entails drawing mana, one could assume from than and some other things that Evocation entails direct manipulation of mana; drawing it from other sources and things like that. This is mostly speculation as the individual schools of arcane magic are barely ever touched upon, let alone referenced, in favor of the in-game specializations.
A tad extraneous but Evocation in DnD also entails the manipulation of energy and tapping into sources of power aswell, though unlike DnD Evocation elemental spells would arguably fall under Conjuration in Warcraft.
In AD+D /Pathfinder, it’s the school of magic that supplies most of the blasty spells from Magic Missile to Fireball. It’s your boom from out of nothing school.
Conjuration can sometimes echo this by summoning the boom from somewhere else. I.e. I blast you with this meteor I call from the sky.
To invoke is to call something without (outside of you) to be within your sphere of casting. When you invoke the ancient spirits, you call them from outside realms.
When you evoke something, you call something laying within you outside - and cast it from a deep core. You can evoke latent powers, psychic affinities, even tap into your genetic/hereditary magics. I believe you might be able to evoke powers granted to you by your Loa or Guardians as well, who blessed you with hidden powers from birth. (Not entirely sure about that one, it’s a bit hazy in the lore.)
Evocation for mages, is pulling up energy/evoking arcane forces that have always called to them - they are natural conduits of the cosmic ley lines. They open an inner spiritual or mental door, thus evoking their inherent ability to be a pure energy magnet.
To convoke something - like convocation of the spirits, means to call together as a group. I can include both invocation and evocation. Meaning you’re drawing everything together with all the spirits outside of you, along with your inner powers and their inner powers.
I hope this clarifies it some!
In Harry Potter, Seamus Finnigan was a natural Evocationist! hehe
Textbook definitions right here. Doesn’t get any more straightforward than this. Nicely done.