Expert Vanilla Hunter LF EST raiding guild for classic

Hello, I am in my 20’s, from the southern United States and looking for a guild to have some fun in during classic!

I have been playing vanilla for about 5 years now (yes before Nostalrius, it was not the first pserver unlike popular opinion).

For a little over 3 years I have specialized in the Hunter class, but I have played a protection warrior, mage, and shaman in a 40 man raid environment, some more difficult then others.

In terms of top end experience I have cleared 7/15 in Naxxramas, and 8/9 in AQ 40, all mixed from playing on 4 different servers in my time.

I did not play vanilla when it was current in 2004-2007 as seeing I was a child, and I wont claim that I have! But I do have experience in the game regardless whether you legitimize pservers or not.

My raid experience in WoW has been from the end of BC running Karazhan as that squeeky mic’d kid on ventrilo who probably wasnt defensive capped, all the way to raiding top 500 in the world during Cataclysm.

To keep things brief I have a guild application written out that goes much more extensively into my qualifications and things of that nature, as well as a written guide for BIS gear through tiers, dps guide, a comprehensive boss by boss guide for hunters as well as individual trash pull mechanics, and raid strategy for MC, BWL, ZG, AQ and some of Naxx (I havent cleared the whole thing, so.)

What I am looking for is a guild that isnt going bleeding edge, but is made up of serious players who care about their time in raid and wont put up with people being late, not brining consumables, and not having their character as optimized as possible when they step in to the raid. I would like to have a leadership position such as class leader or officer. I have experience as a raid leader but I find it is not my favorite place to be as I dont enjoy the game as much, I am fine however with putting in input on strategy, shout casting, or doing extra carricular activities like running 20 man raids or farm raids.

If you’d like to get in touch with me add me on -
Battletag - pryc#1684
Discord - Fudin#4300

Hello, Feel free to check us out we have a great community and over 50 raiders ready for classic!