Expert hunter LF HC NA GUILD

I will be your tranq shot bot.

What’s up Guild masters and officers? If your guild is in need of a solid hunter/member I am currently searching for a community of serious NA wow players.

What I’m bringing to the table:
-2 years experience playing hunters on private servers
-10-14 hours of gameplay that I will commit to the guild everyday(more on my days off)
-Willingness to help farm anything/everything for the guild, enchants, mats, flask recipes, rep
-Multiple MC,ONY,BWL,AQ40/20,ZG clears, saving naxx for classic.
-Alt warlock for split raids and summons. Possibly a warrior too
-World boss scout alts

Legit raider who will for EVERY RAID have full world buffs and consumables(greater protection potions, mongoose, grilled squid, engi arrows, g sappers, flask of titans) using all required addons. You will see me topping meters in early raid tiers.

What I’m looking for in a guild:
A highly motivated and active no life GM/officer core. This means you will be pushing the guild and its members for server firsts and actively contesting world bosses.

Premade bg’s would be a nice bonus

EXPERT gamer here bois better snatch that up! Aim/auto/aim/auto/tranq twisting pro!

Give me a break.

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you forgot multishot

But hey man have you ever kited the dragonkin on razorgore the untamed?

Or tried to get a tranq shot off b4 chromag breaths?

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I’d give you a break if you actually had the rotation correct. Anyways, you’re probably better off going on the recruitment discord, you can find links on Reddit. There, you can find guilds and further discuss your skill set, and aspirations. It’ll be a lot better to contact people directly versus what ya did here, which seems a little lazy unless you’re already doing what I suggested as well☺️

10-14 hours a day? More on off days?


yeah, what are you a casual?

That isnt healthy…

Your mom isn’t healthy

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She ran triathlons and has a world medal in skiing…She now just keeps it casual and does marathons, she doing alright.

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How do people manage that much game time honestly? Retired? Kids during summer break? Office job where you have zero responsibility beside just being present? I envy you… if I won the lottery maybe I’d be able to pull it off.

Even if I did have that much time available there is no way i would want to play 10-14 hours a day…and then more on days I have additional time to play, as if 10-14 A DAY isnt enough free time…

Those aren’t healthy either. Hopefully won’t have joint problems down the road!

Dude I legitimately want to know how do people who get to play this much manage to do so? I feel like I’m doing life wrong or something. I’m lucky to get like 3-4 hours straight on week days if kids don’t start fussing and 5-6 on weekends if I don’t have crap to do around the house or plans with the family.

Did Michelle Obama sneak into the forums or something? What do u guys care how this guy wants to spend his time. Lol.


She does 2 a year…She runs maybe every other day at most doing 5-7 miles…When she gets closer to marathon day she’ll ramp it up a little…Shes alsso doctor so, that also helps.

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Did Trump sneak into the forums and say something stupid? . No one is questioning how this guy is playing…He can obviously do whatever he wants.

Few ways I can see someone doing it:
No kids
Part time job
Disability that allows you to stay home
In college with an easy major
Summer time and not in school
No significant other

In college I probably played 8 hours a day for a bit until I joined a frat.

WE KNOW this guy is Pro by just reading this, no hunter who is medicore, doesn’t go right for thhe mom jokes.


I was done talking about whats healthy or not so I went straight for the “your mom” joke KO

Also ill be able to play 14hrs a day up to 16 by having the following:
-Part time job/easy internet side hustle
-No girlfriend

Also during all that game time, while on flight paths or waiting for things to respawn ill be rotating back and forth between
push ups
from home to prevent blood clots and fatness