Experienced Rper LF heavy RP military guild

Adelvice, still a boy at eighteen years old, was a brand new Squire at the Northshire Abbey when the ghouls attacked. He wanted to stay and help fend them off, but his superiors ordered him to run.

Whether it was out of bravery, or because he would’ve hindered more than helped them, he doesn’t know. But, he managed to make it to Stormwind, where he joined in the defense of the Cathedral.


He brought water to the people actually defending the church.\

I’ve been RPing on WoW since Wrath, and I’m coming back from a long and misguided ‘vacation’ on Horde…bleh.

Anyway, I’m looking for a Heavy RP military guild to join. I work until 11pm EST 4 days a week though, so hopefully one that has events a bit later in the night. If not, I’ll just work around it I guess. Can’t be helped at the moment.

Welcome back! Glad you’re here.

Take a look here: WrA Information & Directories - #29 by Syreenna-wyrmrest-accord for some guilds you might be interested in!

I also recommend joining [A/H] LFRP the In-Game Community - #31 by Greyah-bloodsail-buccaneers to get some more RP going while you look for a guild!