Experienced Raiders Seeking AOTC-Focused Guild for Casual Heroic and M+ Runs

Got a group of 5 or so players with some past mid-level Mythic raiding experience looking at finding a new group to raid. Wondering if there are any groups that look to push AOTC within the first month, then focusing on M+ and a quick heroic clear each week instead of Mythic progression.
We play all roles and quite a few alts each, but just don’t have it in us to bother with mythic raiding anymore. Guessing similar players are out there but not sure where to find them, so if you’re interested in the same or have a like-minded group already in place let’s talk!

Hi Baoptism, “Insanity Raiding” since 2010 (18+, NOT CE) may be a good fit for you and your group of friends. We are a large Casual progressive that has been rebuilding our team for WWI and need everything. Not everyone in our guild raids even though we are a large guild. We want more reliable players in terms of tanks, healers, and dps. We have also been LF a new Raid Lead who will be upfront in understanding that this guild is a non-benching one, nor do we use logs or trials on player performance. Our GM Ureka is adamant in that fact that we all pay for this game, and no one who wants to raid should have to sit out of a raid if they show up to the raid ready to play. They have pots, chants, etc. and aren’t kids that deliberately run into the boss for fun. We have a number of older individuals here aged 50+. Our raid days are T/W 7:45-10pm EST. After AOTC (if time allows), we may do some light Mythic raiding (like 1st 3 bosses for tokens). Not everyone here likes M+ (myself included in that), and are more raid dependent. But there are guildies that run M+, and a few enjoy the higher keys. We just don’t have any dedicated days to Mythics. Players announce their keys in g-chat when a large number of members are online and not raiding. We are very informal here. There is also some PVP (BGs. not -rated), transmog, mount, pet runs, TWs, questing, etc. If we sound perfect for all of you, I can be found online normally afternoons weekdays if you have any questions or want an invite, but if you just desire an invite and I’m not online then just apply directly to “Insanity Raiding” through guild-finder (under Raid, not Social tab). Hope to have all of you join our family and raid w/ us!

Hey there,

I’m the GM for Exiled Raiders on Stormrage. After 7-8 seasons of trying to keep 2 formal prog teams going we’re consolidating back into 1 team for WWi and looking for a semi-stable roster of 25 people and we need a few new recruits due to some who can’t make our proposed raid time in the new expansion (Wed/Thurs 8-11 EST).

We’re primarily an AOTC guild and we do heroic reclears (for mains and eventually alts) but we do intend to “play around with Mythic raiding” as we have in past seasons when we’ve had enough interest. Not in a formal CE-way, just as a way to keep people engaged and progressing their characters. We’re a mix of hard key pushers, middle of the road key pushers, and casual key players outside of raiding. VERY alt-friendly guild.

If you’re interested, give me a shout on Bnet and I can link you up with one of our two co-Raid Leaders if it seems like it’s a good fit!


Hello Baoptism, i’m Hoodie from Nostalgic Ruin on Stormrage. We as a guild are working on a roster right now that is exactly what you are looking for. Our second team named “Team Bravo” (subject to change) is comprised of raiders that are looking to clear heroic each week and are not so interested in the mythic progression aspect. Our team raids on Wednesday/Thursdays from 8-11 PM EST with a 15 minute break at 9 PM. We also have quite a few people in guild that push keys pretty far and would love to have you and your friends aboard with us. Please let me know if this is something you would like to discuss further.

You can contact us @Bnet

Archetypical#11757 ( Guild Master )
Maverick#15230 ( Raid Leader )
Lionicicles#1134 ( Co-Raid Lead )
Astar#11558 ( Healing Officer )
Hoodie#11206 ( Melee Officer )

Hey Baoptism :wave:

I’m not sure when you and your friends are available but my group would be happy to have you! We will be Mythic Progressing but it’s not required. We’d love to have some altaholics for keys and farm raids :black_heart: Hope to Hear back!

Raid Times Wed & Thurs 8p to 11p EST.

GM Contact Info: Bnet Breeet#11114 // Discord Breeat or Enzoul#4167

TLDR; If you’re looking for a relaxed atmosphere that still steamrolls mythic bosses and pushes keys, then welcome home, we’re glad you’re here :black_heart:


Welcome to Dead Heart! My name is Breeat (Frank IRL) and I have been playing this game since Vanilla. I’m married now and done with school so I have a lot of free time. So I decided to create a pleasant and pressure free community that kills mythic raid bosses and pushes keys.

My immediate goal is to recruit aggressively so that we have enough players to start raiding once War Within season 1 starts. My long term goal is to have a roster of 30 or so raiders so that we can progress mythic and farm heroic / dungeon keys together. I’m also going to be keeping tabs on anyone with interest in becoming an officer to help me keep this ship sailing.

An ideal raider will have previous raiding experience, an understanding of their class/spec, and prepare for raid nights in and out of game. They will also put in reasonable time to improve their performance outside of raid. During the raid, we will respect everyone’s time by showing up 5 to 10 mins prior to the raid so that we can start clearing trash on time.

If you’re interested in becoming an officer please DM me. An ideal officer is someone who is a great raider and leader, approachable, transparent, and exemplifies what it means to be a member of Dead Heart.

Guild Philosophy

  1. Build a community of competent, like minded individuals that meet together a couple times a week to have fun killing raid bosses and push keys.
  2. Maintain a comfortable mid-core “serious but casual” environment where stress is minimal and no one feels pressured.
  3. Provide guild members with tools and resources that helps facilitate success in and out of the game.
  4. Improve on past mistakes and always strive to push past our limits.