Hey there!
I’m the GM of Safe Word on US Kilrogg/Winterhoof and we’re looking for more raiders to fill out our core spot. But more than that, we’re looking for more friends. I built this guild with a group of friends from the early days of Legion and now we’re just under 20 strong. With the low number, we focus on bringing friendly players and people that we want to hang out with. There’s ALWAYS something going on in our group, so you’ll definitely get that family feel in no time.
Anyway, we raid heroic (AOTC for each tier since Legion) and will be casually pushing ourselves into mythic content when the new raid releases. We also LOVE M+ and it sounds like you could bring a lot of utility and flexibility to the table (I’m also an altoholic haha).
We raid Tues/Thurs 7pm-10pm PST (10pm-1am EST). M+ are pick ups and there’s usually someone who wants to group up for them (reguluarly doing +10 or higher).
Here’s my long post for more info: (H) <Safe Word> is recruiting!
Here’s my contact info, and either myself or one of my officers will add your BTag in a bit as well
Btag: Fried#11205
Discord: Fried#5654