I’m an officer from Safe Word! (US Kilrogg/Winterhoof) and from your post I really think you might like our guild.
I totally understand what you mean when you say you’re looking for a “home,” because that’s what it feels like every time I log in. There are always people on, running keys, doing mount/transmog runs, or just hanging out.
We raid Tues/Thurs 7pm-10pm PST (10pm-1am EST). We will focus on heroic raiding but will do a casual push into mythic raiding.
We run a lot of M+ dungeons, and with all your toons you could bring a lot of utility to the table.
We are looking for raiders but most importantly, we are looking for people who will fit in with our family. I hope that you’ll consider hanging out with us to see if we’re a good fit for you!
Here is our guild’s official post: (H) <Safe Word> is recruiting!
Please reach out to me with any questions!
Btag: Fawnie#11868
Discord: Fawnie#5946