Experienced Raider LF 9.1 HOME!

Very experienced raider who played casually this tier due to new job looking to saddle back up for 9.1 into a competitive CE guild. Previous CE raider typically US top 125 or better. I have many classes at my disposal and I am able to fill most roles. I will label out some of the classes below that I am comfortable on and we can discuss it further if you are a qualified guild.
Classes: Rogue, DH, Hunter
possible options: Boom, Monk ww/mw, Spriest

I am very serious and I am ready to xfer before 9.1, I am also a huge team player and has always played whatever the guild needs.

Reach out if interested serious offers only.
Bnet: Party#1147
Disc: partyzone#5821

Sent a discord FR, let’s chat.

still on the hunt!

Hello Unprotected Hex is a dedicated & organized raiding guild that has 4 strong raiding teams. We started the guild 2 months after mythic raiding came out, so we got a bit of late start but expect to be achieving better ranks each tier. We are going hard 9.1 and all spots are competitive and open!!

Please join our discord and fill out our app or message Trixster on discord.gg/unprotectedhex if interested - thank you for your time

Main Team T/W/Thurs 10/10M 10:45PM-2AM(EST)

Team Hoodslam T/Thurs 8/10M 10:00PM-1AM(EST)

Hexual Healing Fri/Sat 8/10M 10pm-1am(EST)

Hex Addicts -Sunday / Monday 9pm - 12am EST 6/10M

Still hunting

help ya boi find a home

Hi Partypunch,

I think we would be a great fit for you!

Hey - always interested in players who have previous high-end mythic experience. Our information is below. :slight_smile:

LF more options!

Still trying to find that special place.

Is a newly formed guild in February of 2021 consisting of friends in a former guild and former CE players. In our short time together we have already achieved 9/10M in the short time that we have been raiding together.

Recruiting all atm as we’re trying to build a team for 9.1 and beyond and plan on taking our best 20 players on any nights

About us:
The majority of our raid team has been playing with each other for the last year or two and we’re always doing something outside of playing wow by playing any other games or always hanging out in Discord doing something. Also have a few dedicated members that’s always looking to push IO or do keys whenever

Raid Times and attendance:
We are a two day raiding guild our raid days consist of Wednesday/Thursday 8-11 est. Attendance is something we take very seriously as we have been having issues with attendance lately and that has caused us to stall a bit during progression. For every new recruit we are expecting 90% attendance during trialing process. We do understand things come up or emergencies happen as long as you’re letting an officer know or posting in Attendance channel in Discord in advance to give us a chance to find a replacement for the night.

If you’re interested you can always add an officer on Btag or Discord

Anthony#1963 - Recruitment Officer


Currently LF DPS Priest/Druid/War for Sanctum!
Good luck in your search.

Guild & Server: [H] After Work - Mal’Ganis
Raid Times/Days: Wednesday & Thursday 7-11pm Central (5-9 PST)
Current Progression: 10/10H 10/10M 12/12M (US 243 Wowprog)
Discord Contacts: Oba#3148 or Keef#0760
Application: http://bit.ly/AWappS
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/mal-ganis/After+Work
Requirements: Big brain and a good attitude

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