For classic wow i am playing a human prot warrior with raiding experience from bc to current content. I raided in classic a little bit. Looking for a late night raiding guild that rads around 9pm or 10pm cst. Very decicated player here. Add me discord merciful#9411 or comment here and i will get into contact with you. My alt will be resto druid.
Hey there, we’re starting up Maniacal Maniacs on the Whitemane server. Many of us there know each other in person and have played WoW together through-out the years off and on. We don’t yet have a raid time schedule because we aren’t sure when new comers will be available. Several of us though so far are late night players, including myself. If you’d wanna jump into Discord and check us out, you are more than welcome to, we’re still setting a few things up in there as well, but it has come together pretty nicely so far. Hope to see ya there!
Discord code:
<Fran Aska> Alliance | PvP Server: Herod | Semi-Hardcore | CST | OPEN RECRUITMENT Focus:crossed_swords: To have fun! A semi-hardcore Classic WoW experience. Designed to fit a working-person’s schedule. Fran Aska will have something for everyone including consistent raiding, PvP, or just chilling. Leadership will strive to be transparent, fair, and effective at making raiding goals and group play events a reality.
Raids:crossed_swords: Progress & supporting raids Sunday/Mondays with a 8PM CST Start, with Saturday being for raid quests and attunements. Loot council will give drops to characters to benefit long-term progress. An alt is encouraged to enable more raids, splits, and scheduling flexibility. Attendance requirements will be more relaxed when compared to hardcore guilds.
PvP:crossed_swords: Groups for days
Discord/Contact:crossed_swords: We are looking for various levels of players: officers, raiders, PvP-er’s, and casual.
Hey Merciful! We’re a newly formed Alliance guild on Whitemane seeking to build out our roster with mature, PvE focused players looking to clear content while also achieving balance with outside commitments. Below is some general information about the guild. Check out our discord or message me directly with any questions!
Unity - NA - Alliance - PvP - Whitemane Server - Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 PST - Loot Council