Experienced prot warrior looking for AOTC Guild

Hi there,

I am a prot warrior looking for an AOTC guild to experience the new raid content. EST time preferable. Can commit to 2 nights per week. Mature guilds mid 30’s/40’s are more appealing to me. A few notes about me. I have played port tank since vanilla and know the class very well. I understand raid mechanics and I am highly committed and communicative.

Message me in game for more details,


Hi there! We are looking to add more players to our AOTC progression team.I’m going to attach our guild page for you to skim through to see if we could possibly be a good fit for you! We raid Fri and sat from 9:30 pm to 12:30 EST. I’d be happy to sit down and chat with you to answer any questions you may have… I look forward to speaking with you soon

Guild: Igotaguildlol
WE raid Saturday, 9:30pm central usually until midnight. Just cleared Undermine on first raid night and moving into Heroic until AOTC next saturday. We do normal clears on wednesdays as well as guild TW raid clears for funsies. Lots of keyrunners and active players. Hit me up if interested: Tukohama#1154