Experienced GM or Officer of a guild? Please read

Good afternoon/evening!

I am the GM of the guild . We formed the guild with a group of us that were on Active Duty in the Army. The guild has been around since 2005 and has flourished on and off through the years depending on recruitment numbers. We have always been proud of our accomplishments and together have gained over 3k Guild Achievement Points (3085). Over the past few years we have changed servers to help with recruitment and have a better economy as well as a bigger population of people to recruit from to strengthen the guild. We started off on Skywall then to Lightbringer then to Proudemoore and finally Stormrage. As anyone who has beein an Officer or higher in a very active guild, it takes a good amount of leadership to be on the same page and run things smoothly and delegate all the tasks and needs of the guild. Over the past year we have lost a great amount of our leadership team to real life circumstances, illnesses, changing of factions etc. The list goes on. We have left a pretty good legacy with great history of our members and how we achieved many things together. At this point I am looking for someone who is experienced in guild leading or higher Officer positions to run/manage my guild. I am possibly looking at taking a slight step back and essentially being a silent partner or board member of sorts etc. and have someone carry on the guild. We have over 900 people in the guild, a fully stocked guild bank and plenty of gold. We also have an upgrades (Tier 3) Discord server that I will continue to pay for and keep upgraded. All policies, procedures, ranks, etc. are all up for change if need be. I will still help complete administrative tasks as well as anything needed. My contact information is below if you have any questions or would like to discuss anything. Please reach out to me anytime.


Roadskii (Mike)

Discord: Roadskii
Btag: sgtroeder#1363

You have 900 people in your guild but can’t ask any of them to take over leadership?


Please re-read the post. It may help clarify your question.

So, If I understand you. You are looking for officer? Or are you looking to pass GM to someone? Just joining your guild to officer it does not make sense.

Yes, essentially having them run the guild as GM

Bump it up

I think everyone that is a decent person, and not wanting to take advantage of this situation, is going to redirect you to the people in your own guild to help you run it.

Honestly, if you have absolutely no one in 900 people that you can rely on and trust to run your guild… why would ANYONE want to take it on? Sounds like a guild of terrible, untrustworthy, incapable people.

Just being honest. Your post doesn’t make much sense, and I think most people would feel the same way I do about it.


You are certainly entitled to your opinion. The post does make sense though and if you had any question about what I am trying to do you should ask. Making illegitimate assumptions isn’t good for anyone. If you think that “most people” would feel the same way, then you are way off base and couldn’t be more wrong about the guild or my intentions. Feel free to contact me if you want more clarity.

Why don’t you give us some insight as to why you can’t find a single person in your own guild out of 900 people to take it over? I think that seems to be the main sticking point in our observation about your post.


Hey man I’ll gladly help :slightly_smiling_face: