Hello, i am looking for a fun and professional CE guild. Specifically, i am looking for something stable and drama free.
Current 3 week logs:
Neck level: 74
Lego Cape: Rank 6
A little about my raiding history:
I main raided in AK now known as Arathian Knights on Hyjal which is a sub top 10 US guild. I raided with them for years and eventually had to step down as MDPS lead because I could no longer raid 20+ hour weeks. (Logs below)
After AK myself and my raid leader took our alts to Resistance US ~200 to help them in Antorus. Since I no longer was main raiding in AK I actually enjoyed the new climate and less raiding hours and ended up staying. I became an officer in the guild and did recruitment and raid lead progression. (Logs below)
I ended up leaving Resistance when their guild leader stepped down (after progression/CE achieved) and I joined Warpath-Illidan US sub 50 for the rest of the tier as a Mistweaver monk/Frost DK. After that, I ended up taking a break for the majority of BOA and just came back about a month ago with only having 3 resets on my DH currently.
I enjoy Mythic plus and was ranked sub 50th in the world on my rogue during Legion. Would like to get into a key pushing group and I also enjoy helping guildies with keys.I tend to play every single day that I can. Roughly, a minimum of 4 hours a day. I generally don’t raid log unless I have plans (I actually enjoy all aspects of the game).
Additionally I have a Holy Paladin that is current in 8.3 and I also can gear a toon/spec if the guild has immediate needs for 8.3 (future discussion required).
I can be reached in-game at Knucks#11378 or on Discord at Knucks#5465