Experianced Player returning for S4

Hey friends and frenemies,

I am once again returning in time for S4 after taking a break from WoW, as the guild I was in essentially collapsed in S3, which is always a real shame, but a good reason to take a break.

Anyways what I’m here for is looking for a guild to push for aotc, whatever I can push for keys and most importantly making long term friends.

I have been mainly playing;
fury/prot warrior
balance druid

The raid days I prefer are Fri/Sat, but I’m open to whatever fits the guild best.

Feel free to reach me on:
bnet - Naurojo#1897
discord - Naurojo

I sent a friend request on Discord. We raid Fri/Sat 7-10PM ET. We have a post in this forum .

Hi there!

If you’re still looking for a guild! Murloc Madness may be a good fit for you! Feel free to reach out with any questions and best of luck in your search!

<Murloc Madness>
About Us: <Murloc Madness> is a casual heroic weekend raiding guild located on Area 52 that aims for AOTC every tier while maintaining a relaxed, fun and positive atmosphere. We have been successful in achieving our goals since Legion. When we’re not raiding, our members are hanging out in Discord playing various games together or just chatting.
Raid Schedule: Friday & Saturday 10pm-1am EST
Progression: 9/9H Amirdrassil | 9/9H Aberrus | 8/8H Vault | All SL, BfA & Legion AOTC
Website: Apply at https://forms.gle/ejiwEdhfB2Z9GfCd8
More Info: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/area-52/Murloc+Madness

Officer: Aszuna (Discord: aszuna)
Spread the Madness!