Expect raids to be harder in shadowlands

Uhh once they figure out the meta raiding will be the same as always.

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Also note how he never addresses actual concerns like this:

Also, dont let his behaviour sway your opinions please. I am gay but I have a functioning, mature brain so I don’t stan for whatever corporation wishes to get woke and engage ina faux-philanthropy.

Well that makes things even more sad. I gave him the benefit of doubt of being a troll, the other option was worse.

Expect ralph to be harder in shadowlands. This isn’t even his final form.


That’s actually hilarious. Imagine thinking a giant corporation actually cares about your cause and isn’t using the political climate to make easy bucks off of gullible schmucks.


The raids will still be cleared easily by some, because the hardcore players will simply play multiple characters of the same class/spec to have many different builds.

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That’s when his whole attitude towards blizzard changed.

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I wonder if Ralph understands that people are pissed in reality about Blizzard shoving new talents into temporary systems than giving them a class choice.

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You have no idea what you’re talking about, it will still be the same thing, their philosophy is bring the class not the player, when they change it back to, bring the player not the class, then you can talk about encounters being “skill” based.

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So basically, expect raids to be harder unless you have optimized your Covenant.

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Yeah, I don’t understand those who thinks Blizzards support of LGBT has anything to do with anything other than the fact that the LGBT supporting market share is now larger than the LGBT actively avoiding market share.

Blizzard would be pro-Child Organ Harvesting if they thought that it would make them more money than being against it.

It’s reassuring that the overall viewpoint towards the LGBT+ community has changed so much that even soulless corporations are trying to cash in on it, but you don’t get a pat on the back for doing what’s right when it’s also financially benefiting you.

M8 i would support them locking talents for a week as well.

So basically you’re saying the likes of Heroic Nyalotha and Mythic Nyalotha are a cakewalk since we can change talents, essences etc.?

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But we can and we are. We are leveling 4 of each class specifically for this reason they mught be harder for the more casual player but those who put the work in not so much. And after seeing the first couple of bosses in testing nothing hard about it

He’s probably pushing for 1 boss at max per month cleared so that he can enjoy the World First race for 12 months if there are 12 bosses.

Same :poop: different thread


The guy has some issues that is for sure

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Maybe he internally supports the Classic logic:

Generate your main resource at the rate of 1 point per 10 days played. :smiley:

Imagine posting and/or being baited in a Ralph thread. I wonder if he is good friends with Anon?

I post in these threads because I end up not only getting great laughs (usually from Ralph and co.) but I also discover really cool people :slight_smile: