Expect more from Blizzard

More like horrified me :hushed:

Too much cute makes me puke :face_vomiting:

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Well cute making you puke is a DK thing. Think of poor me. I just had to do a search for that lol!

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No, but as he pointed out repeatedly throughout the thread - if you’d like content to be different it helps to tell blizzard that while it’s in development and not post-launch.

Yeah that went over well with Pathfinder.

ugh you’re the worst. please go away greenie.


And covenants.

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If you want me to go away, this is the exact opposite way to accomplish that.

Just because they didn’t agree with your input doesn’t mean your feedback isn’t taken into account.

If, as paying customers, you want your voice to be heard, then yes you will want to participate in the time period where it can be.

The thing is, they absolutely do listen though, which is part of the problem here.

The flying issue that started with WoD? Feedback wasn’t taken into account at all.

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it was the fact they strung people along for months.

I wonder if people would’ve bought WoD knowing if there wasn’t going to be flying period.

Not to mention we learned about from a THIRD PARTY SITE. The people who pay blizzard weren’t even important enough to be told first.

I remember the “no fly no buy” “”“feedback”"" perfectly well, but blizzard made a design choice and responded to what people were asking by explaining why even though the feedback wasn’t in support of it that they thought it was important anyway. Saying it wasn’t “taken into account” just ignores the repeated responses they made to it in dev Q&A’s.

I don’t want to play ptr, it makes everything that is meant to be new, old upon release.

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Starter quest pops up, can’t cancel it, so I accept it, abandon it, and go do other things.

I personally disagree with any developer who expects there players to test there game for them for free and not offer anything in return.

I don’t think it would take anyone more then 30 minutes to realize this pre patch was void of content and un interesting. Any Blizzard developer should be able to see this if they where to sit down and spend some time testing the content.

A large number of individuals who do give feedback feel that Blizzard have been either un responsive towards feedback or defensive towards it. This goes for all of us including the devs just because you have an idea and someone likes the way it sounds dose not make it a good idea.

It is clear they are looking to cut corners here even more so then they have in the past. Whatever the excuse be it COVID, cut backs by the company or otherwise they need to realize we want the same thing they do. A good and fun game to play.

At times our feedback may be extremely hard to take like with covenants, but when you decide to ignore or refute said feedback you are doing damage to your relationship with players/ customers. We don’t want to test buggy broken content because when we offer our opinion we feel like we are ignored.

Stop have Ion publish blogs or videos about him saying “we hear you” and instead put your money where you mouth is and show us your listening to the players and feedback and fallowing up with the kind of changes that people want to see. I sympathize that “job is hard” what I don’t sympathize with is “we needed feedback and testing and no one did it”.

You employ hundreds of people you guys can test your own game and ensure quality. If you are going to continue down this road of using the community to test things them maybe you should be more adaptive to feedback before you dig a covenant or garrison sized hole in the ground.

I ranted earlier and got my post deleted lol. Needless to say I don’t have any faith in this expansion at all and I am pissed about it. They could/should do better.

Hey, Metro:



Yes. They have known. It’s the same problem as always. And it’s never been fixed. Your arguments are so invalid, the dead horse is pitying them for their beating so much.


that was the worst mvp post I have ever seen, and believe me I’ve seen a lot of bad ones

never seen a player tell other players that the devs are completely off the hook for any quality standard unless ‘some’ player brings it up during the ptr, that everything is fine, and feedback is a complete waste unless it was given during the ptr despite over 99% of players not doing the ptr because it isn’t their job to playtest incomplete games.

a post that is just beyond bad, had to add that guy to my ignore list after this debacle



Glad you agreed you are the worst though so you have that going for you.


My kind of popcorn event!

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