
Hello Fellow WoWaholics,

Expansions what’s next? StarCraft Galaxy Maybe and let WoW go into history?

Let’s face it after 20 years of playing, not much else to do. Like always they are going to make us level 10 levels. Which, let’s be honest, is such a bore. Questing is fun, but why do we have to level? Tons of MMORPGs stop leveling and move on to tiger things like gear and hero status to gain power. Because if you didn’t know this we got up to level 120 then a massive squish happened and it will just happen again and again. So why not stop leveling all together?

Another thing Blizzard should consider is letting people level up one character that can switch between all the classes it can be. Games like FFIV let you level one character and be all the classes so you aren’t forced to play a ton of alts. Unless you want to. As a Tank it does get annoying to have to play the flavor of the expansion which means I have to level all tanks and play what’s the best at the time. Instead why not let my single toon with the name I want be able to switch between a Warrior, Paladin, Druid. DK, Monk, etc. Ogres should be the next playable race.

The next expansion also needs to add to all current classes a 4th spec. Things like Shaman Tank, Warlock Tank, Mage Healer and a bunch of support roles and make queing for raids, dungeons etc have a spot for support. Maybe make dungeons 6 people by adding a support role slot. Tank, Healer, Support and DPS.

As far as expansions go, let’s face it we have an entire other half of the world left. When I see the map I think to myself this is only half the world. So why not add an entire new world with entirely new classes, races and lore.

The other idea would simply be to use dark portals to open up entirely new worlds. Why not? A new world that some mage opened a portal to. Full of entirely new classes and races. This would allow for the creative team and writers to let loose and make an entirely new world for everyone to explore. Let’s face it when WoW first came out the massive scale is what made so many love it. We had so much land to explore. Heck I remember when in Beta Vanilla using my undead who at the time didn’t breathe air so didn’t drown in water. I swam as far as I could into the ocean. Just to see if anything is out there. The exploring part was the best part. Leveling was just a by-product.

I personally would love to see “The darkness expansion” . Vampires, gargoyles, werewolves, undead rise up. Hell is overflowing with death or something like Lucifer disappears and the demons run loose. Or cracks from hell start to show up. In those cracks around the world creatures from Hell start to spew out. The goal would be to stop these cracks and close them up. Or the dwarves dug way too deep and let loose Hell itself.

Or we can have the Naga emerge from the ocean. Tired of being bullied and pushed off their lands. They found in the depths the Kraken and other unspeakable creatures to use in their war against the land dwellers. I know the ocean expansion didn’t do well for whatever reason. But having ocean and land wars would be fun. Going to Naga cities that are within bubbles of oxygen so you can walk and fly around. Then Blizzard can make amazing underwater cities that the Naga use that none of us have ever seen because it was super far out in the ocean.

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  • Emerald Dream: Very unlikely. The Emerald Dream was an end game zone in the Alpha version of Vanilla and ditched. Ever since it has been “the next expansion” as far as many are concerned. Beyond a quest here and there, the closest we got to it was the Emerald Nightmare in Legion - and a fairly decent amount of it. That is probably as close as we get for real content, similar to VE customization to resemble High Elves in a twisted sort of way.
  • Void vs Light and whatever: Unlikely. Once more, another “the next expansion” for over a decade. If you are a cosmic fan or not, it might be a bit on the “then what” side once it run’s it’s course. Besides, you are dealing with two opposing forces that by definition cannot exist without the other.
  • Unexplored part of Azeroth: More likely. Could always “uncataclysm” or reshape things if we get a new and improved Black Aspect(?). We might be working that way now. We also have at least 50% of Azeroth’s surface available, Everything except Northrend which we already knew about has basically been between Kalemdor & the Eastern Kingdoms (the original land masses)
  • Wildly out of Left Field: Who knows. Can be a crash or burn depending on how it was played out. The way WoD’s AU was created was perfectly logical but it ended there. IMO, the only good thing that came out of it was the ol’ demon-loving Orc getting tossed thru a portal to kick off Legion.

Just my opinions, but we all have them.

We go back in time to Anicent Kalimdor (Supercontinent) and push back the Burning Legion that teamed up with the Infinite Dragonflight and started corrupting the races that exist in Azeroth’s past.