Expansion Prediction: Classic Style Retail Server

That conclusion from a video.
You’ll be sorely disappointed.


We’ll just have to wait and see.

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They did an actual real life test, called Classic, and it has been a resounding success.


For a short period of time then the players will move on.


But that’s not what happened. Not with official Classic servers nor homegrown Vanilla bootleg servers.

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Really so the many threads I’ve seen complaining that Classic servers are graveyards were lying ?

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This sounds unironically awful lol. I like the idea of an updated Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms though.


Classic includes TBC servers which are popping right now.


Classic servers showed, if they showed anything, that the community has changed drastically and will min-max things to death and play in such a way that they had to design an entirely new thing(buff saving).
They also learned that making raiding more like Classic, less loot and longer to get geared up, is the opposite of what retail raiders want.

Trying to turn retail in some kind of psuedo-classic game would likely be a disaster.
See Cata launch Heroic dungeons that tried to be “hard” like TBC Heroics.


So were classic when they first came out, come back in a couple months when The Boring Crusade servers are also graveyards.

Shadowlands was the result of taking classic elements and putting them into retail and it was god awful.


Who is Carbot?


Carbot is a youtube channel that has made very funny anime type video game videos for years. Just recently they put out one on their view of WoW and the population changes over the years. Conspiracy theorists are using it to post ‘wow is dying’ posts.


I don’t even know why I asked…of course it is. lol.

Have watched many of their videos over the years, really enjoyed them up to this latest one.

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The first step in making WoW better is to first admit the lack of in-game socializing is not Blizzard’s fault, but a community created issue. No amount of forced interactions will suddenly bring us back to 05.


So now we’re going to pretend this guy is all of a sudden relevant to the development of WoW and a major influencer too?




I’m hoping for a great reset in 10.0 but not holding my breath.

Bottom line, as much as people complain about the current game, Blizz is still making money out of the current format. As a matter of fact WoW is their only really profitable venture right now.

The lesson of classic is that nostalgia sells.

Sure, it’s a better experience overall, but it’s mostly nostalgia.

Removing queues, LFR, cross-realm, does not make an expansion good.
Removing that from Shadowlands would not make it a good expansion.

If Shadowlands had none of these garbage grinds, a good, non-time gated story, and had Raiding, PvP, Glyph/Secret Finding, Actual Rares, Class “Green Fire” Questlines/Customization unlocks, all as the final max-level content, it would’ve been a hit too.


Nostalgia sells but it doesn’t mean you can’t iterate on the formula people are nostalgic of.

Case in point : FF7: Remake.

A modernized take on the more classic MMO format would most likely work very well.

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