Expanding on Organizations

Hopefully a bit more of a fun topic, what sort of organizations do you wish were expanded on more, and got more story content, roles in expansion, or side-stories dedicated to them?

As an addition, are there any Organizations you feel should exist for a group but currently don’t are or wrongly utilized?

For various organizations, I tend to mean groups that have been shown to exist before, from well known groups to like the Sentinels or the Tiller’s Union, to much more obscure groups such as the Siame-Quashi or the Mithril Order.

I think one of the (many) problems in WoW is that there is a lot of organizations out there that could see more expansion, or focus put upon them that would really help to flesh out the various races and groups as well.

Going to a race like the Tauren we know of quite a few organizations for them:
The Longwalkers, Braves, Sunwalkers, and Seers (Including Farseers) as a few examples. That said, we don’t see a great deal of focus on many of these groups, leading to the Tauren feeling far more flat than they could potentially be.


I don’t think I like how they made Organization XIII in Kingdom Hearts 3. They retconned its purpose to be for The Thirteen Darknesses instead of being Xemnas group. It would’ve been neater to have a new group for that. Not have “The True Organization XIII”. Now that Kingdom Hearts involves time travel, maybe perhaps they should make a game that’s spent almost entirely in the past where the bad guys are called The Iron Organization XIII.

I would like Spellbreakers and Blood Mages to either be integrated into current Sindorei organizations, or have their own organizations rise in prominence. It would be cool if the Spellbeakers were integrated into the Blood Knights - just as an excuse to see them and be them. Blood Mages could be an organization for Warlocks and Mages, pretty please!

I think you can kill Blood Mages if you play Alliance? I have Alliance Alts, but I never did that quest. I seent it on the you tube, so I am not sure if it was implemented in game. But either way, I would like to see Blood Mages and Spellbreakers involved more in the story- other than as Alliance fodder that I won’t see playing Horde.

On a separate note, I would like to see the Lun’alai expanded on. In fact, I want Zandalari Druids to get more emphasis going forward. It is cool that the whole Dinomancer theme is in our hands as players, but they seem sort of shut out, story wise. Maybe they can find some space. Bwonsamdi/Talanji/Voljin/Night Elves/Ardenweald take up everything that might involve a Zandalari Druid, so they are kind of on the back burner. Maybe since Voljin will have a touch of Rezan-Magic, he will come back with a cosmetic T Rex form for all Troll Druids, or something.

I would like my Zandalari Druid to be able to fully embrace being a Lun’alai if I am Balance. Or to have the title “Wardruid” instead of “Archdruid”.


The Siame-Quashi are a good one yeah. With Vol’jin ascended I’d like to see shadow hunters portrayed as a more organized and dynamic group within the Darkspear, rather than just extras for the faction hero who shares their unique class.

Blood elves have a few background organizations, as Cursewords outlined, but more than any of them I want to see the current incarnation of the Sunfury. They were canonically pardoned and rejoined Silvermoon after TBC, but we’ve seen nothing of them since. Who’s their leader? How much power do they have politically? Do they have their own command structure like the Farstriders or Blood Knights? Their backstory is pretty fascinating, as the militant WC3 elves who were with Kael until near the end.


The Bildgeater Battalion would be nice to see it it get more action, being mostly goblins with some non-goblins thrown in. I’d also like to see some Unshackled properly integrated into the Horde.


No kidding. With all the super OP magical units running around,it would be nice to have a dedicated counter that isn’t just a more powerful mage.



So speaking of Blood Mages they show up in a few places that I can recall:

In WoD there are a number of mages powering up Animus Golems near Archindun. Those are presumably blood mages, at least based on the similarities between the Animal control / animation and blood magic.

In BFA during the Nazmir Invasion near Torga there are a number of Sin’dorei set up, including Blood Mages who appear to be collecting Loa Blood from Torga. I don’t think it’s really explained why / how they are over there in such large numbers though.

I really wish they’d show the Auchenai more in Draenei society. As well as getting the Draenei players more familiar with their Exarchs.


I would like to see more varied units and groups in general, like for example what ever happened to the Westfall Brigade? When did the Seventh Legion go from the Alliances elite force to “basically their entire military” ?


I feel like the Draenei could be expanded on a great deal with the ending of Legion. If anything they are in a similar position to the Forsaken were post Wrath, in that the great enemy of their entire people, pretty much the reason they are outcasts and exiles and have been on the run / fighting for 25k (Or potentially longer for the Lightforged due to Twisting Nether Shenanigans) is now defeated.

I wonder how the three groups of Draenei (Broken, Exodar, and Light Forged) will all react to that news, and what sort of new dynamics that will cause in their society. The Exarchs could be a good chance to see the different takes the Draenei could have to such a major shift that the end of the Legion would cause.

Do any Draenei still pine for the days of Argus, perhaps wanting to relocate to some other planet? What of those who have grown attached to Azeroth and it’s people, or still find sanctuary in Outland?

While Velen may have stated that Azeroth is the home of the Draenei people, does everyone in their society hold that view? What of the other Dimensional ships still located in Netherstorm, nothings stopping a group of Draenei and a Naruu sympathetic to their cause to just going out and quite literally jumping ship.

Are the Light Forged all gung-ho about fighting yet more people, or are some tired of the millennia long war and now that the purpose they signed up for is done (Defeating the Legion) will you see more Light Forged going back to a more civilian and settled life?

The Draenei are full of potential story beats.


I’d like to see one about Draenei and their thoughts on abandoning their Eredar culture out of fear of the temptation of joining the Legion. When you go on Argus, it just seems like night and day with the Eredar culture vs. the Draenei we play. Out of hearts to give, but really love all you wrote out and would love to see it.

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Yeah the original Eredar culture seems much more secular as well as magic focused. While magic users are still important in Draenei society they seem to take a back seat to the Light and Light focused classes like Priests and Paladins.

While on the subject of Draenei, and following my own post on Organizations:

I’d love to see the Draenei groups expanded especially in how they interact with the rest of the world:

I’d love to see this organization ‘revealed to have always been there’ or even better ‘revived by the Draenei after seeing the group on Draenor’ with an expansion of Draenei characters (especially Hunters)

The Draenei live right off the coast of Kalimdor, and next to the Night Elves, so it would be cool to see Ragnari in the Jungles of Feralas, or learning to fight alongside the Sentinels with the two groups forming ties to each other. Maybe include that one Draenei Hunter from the Expeditions.

Draenei tech is … quite advanced by all Azeroth standards, and the Artificers are the group who build / maintain this technology. Maybe expand on them, with saying they can’t build all the tech they used to without the proper native to Argus Materials, or the like, however they’ve built a lot of other inventions and devices. Maybe have them play off of the Goblins, Gnomes, and Mag’har.
(Personally I’d love a Goblins and Gnomes type rivalry introduced between Draenei Artificers, and the Mag’har Engineers. Perhaps each playing support for their Gnome / Goblin allies)


I want Draenei mages expanded on as a group, because we know nothing about them or their specific organization, not even a name.

Wouldn’t mind having some criminal groups expanded on as well, add some nuance to flesh out the world some more, such as the Hidden Circle, which was/is a crime group in the Three Hammers areas.


I love the Ragnari and think the Artificers would fit in well with a new Tinker class…if that ever happens.

From reading Rise of the Horde, it seems like they were pretty good at Illusion magic…also I can’t remember her name, but the Man’ari woman boss from Antorus the Burning Throne is the forger of the transportation devices that gets the Legion around…so it leads me to believe Eredar were masters at portals as well. I think there is flavor text about how she helped forge teleportation devices within the Eredar society as well.

Portal Keeper Hasabel is who I’m talkin’ about. Also mixed up the raids initially.


One (unfortunate) possibility may just be that a Majority of Eredar Mages did not join the Draenei when fleeing Argus, and that most of the mages who did were in the minority or in less critical roles for certain projects.

Which makes sense since it seems like Velen, Kil’Jaden and Archimonde had very specific sects in a way. Most mages being under Archimonde. It’s surprising that there isn’t a lot of pent up dissatisfaction within the Draenei ranks tbh. They’ve essentially been suppressed similar to Highborne.

In a vain attempt to keep this topic alive just a bit longer…

I’d really love to see a few more rogue groups / small bandit groups on the level of the Defias and Uldum Bandits. Groups of intelligent foes that can be a threat to a zone, but are not some world-spanning organization with tendrils everywhere. One could add a lot of variety with smaller bandit groups, like people who try to rob caravans, or operate out of the underbelly of goblin cities and the like.

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gnome and goblin/ mechagnome and vulperan metropoleses.

with airlane trade routes filled with flying machines. Also a continental tram system starting in Ironforge and ending in regained Lordaeron.

The horde can have secret passages and animal-friendly tamed kodo oases across the entire Kalimdor continent. and of course goblin airways.

it’d be epic to see.