EXP Ret or Hunter lf 9/9M mythic guild

Previous History:
I have raided hardcore on and off over the last 15 years. Iv raided in multiple top 10 US guilds over the years including Strawberry Puppy Kisses, Blood Runs Cold. I have consistently been raiding around the top 100 US range majority of my play. I took a year long break off raiding after Sanctum. But I’m looking to jump back into mythic raiding.

About Me
I was Top 10 parsing ret for a majority of Mop and small part of Cata. I am also a Multi class 2900 arena exp 13x Glad ret paladin. I consistently hold high % parses for my class when I’m raiding. I can play multiple classes at a high level. Preferably looking to play Ret or Hunter but willing to play something else. My chars are still a bit under geared.

Looking for:
Ideally I’m looking for a hardcore/semi hardcore guild with good hours 3-4 Days ideally, 2 days is fine too. Looking for 9/9 Mythic guild

Its not letting me link my logs. But can link my previous logs of my ret/hunter on add. Consistent orange parser

Raid Times:
5pm pst - 10:00pm pst anywhere in this time frame are ideal. Any day of the week including weekends.



bump bumper

Still looking

Hey there we are currently recruiting a Ret Paladin for our mythic raid team. Check us out.

still on the search

Big bump bumper

still searching