<Exit Plan> is rectuiting for Wrath and T6 content leading up to it

We are a recently formed guild currently recruiting for Wrath and T6 content in the meantime.

Our short term goals are to continue with T6 content until Wrath launches to gear those who are returning or switching mains.
The long term goals for Wrath are to push into hard mode/heroic once that content releases.

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday from 9PM-12 Server.
Optional raids on Sunday/Monday for any clean-up we may need to do.
10m runs are mixed in when time allows throughout the week.

Consistent Attendance. Sign-ups are done through discord, you’re not expected to make every raid and if you can’t make it, just don’t sign up.
Prepared with gems/enchants/consumables. We can assist, but let us know before raid time.
Basic knowledge of the fights before a pull, as low effort as watching the 30 second guide on youtube.
A desire to improve and do better than the previous night.

As of now, we are running 2SR>MS>OS. Once Wrath goes live we are switching to EPGP.

Recruitment needs:
Basically everything.

Reach out in-game or through discord.
Coaguläte (TopSider#0261)
Cey (ServerTick#6079)
Randark (Randark / Unsmashabull#5704)
Fusa (Fusa#5767)
Arophel (Foolishuman#7809)