Exit Dungeon Button

As a frequent transmog farmer and Diablo IV player, WoW desperately needs an “Exit Dungeon” portal like Diablo has. The amount of dungeons and raids that don’t have exit portals at the exit is too high for this feature not to exist. Even if it was just a “return to entrance” button that kept you in the instance but brought you back to the beginning would be fine, just something to help in the instances that don’t have exits at the exit. Sorry WoW devs but go to the Diablo floor at HQ and let them know its their fault you have to make this a feature now :stuck_out_tongue:


It would be a glorious idea, or have an ‘end of dungeon/raid’ portal available.

Currently, the quickest way out is abusing the group finder system.

Open Group Finder, Make your own custom group, disband your own custom group, and wait for it to kick you out.


Yeah, I like how a lot of the newer dungeons have NPCs that port you back to the beginning. Would be nice to see this added to legacy content for people farming rep/mog/etc.


I do agree. Through instead of the NPC I would prefer a portal as the topic starter spoke about. The NPC to give an example in the halls of infusion a bit… well I would call it obfuscated, it fits the surroundings so it’s easy to be overlooked. A clear portal to the beginning for the dungeon would also probably easier to realize as you won’t need to build/design a npc fitting to the dungeon as a portal always have the same look and mechanic. :slight_smile:


I agree. Recently, I had contact with three new players in the game, and one of them didn’t know how to exit the dungeon. They were wondering if they had to go all the way back through the dungeon to turn in the quest to the NPC at the entrance.

I’m going to mention five dungeons that present this issue:

Wailing Caverns


All three dungeons of Dire Maul

Blackrock Depths (BRD part 1)


Displaying the option to return to the entrance and exit the dungeon more prominently, with a larger icon upon completion, would be a viable alternative.

Making this option available would be beneficial for players who enjoy farming transmog from older dungeons without needing to use their hearthstone.


The option to leave the dungeon using this method has more recently been having techinical limitations with certain dungeons.

At times the creation of a group in dungeon finder will not give a prompt that tells you will be ejected from the instance in 1 minute.
I had a Dire Maul North today where it refused to do so after multiple group creations and extended wait times.

As an alternative for some people, there is an item https://www.wowhead.com/item=205684/forbidden-flounder that drops from Magmorax - Aberrus, that can be used to kill your character and return to the start of the instance. It is more widely available currently and will be so for a short period of time before the content has run its course.
This item is purchased on the AH, at times for a small cost.

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I have yet to experience such issues myself, but one time gotta be the first.

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