Exiles reach retcon

I completely and utterly don’t care. Really not the slightest for any Hord edevelopment at all.
If they delete the faction tomorrow I also wouldn’t care.

Just pointing out that clipping is appearently no issue for Blizzard.

I just tried it. The toy says ‘North Sea’. And the loading screen is for the island. But it took me back to the front of the Valley of Heroes.

It must have been hotfixed already, then. You could screw yourself over yesterday with it.

So I went back through some of the quests, though the information isn’t well spread out. But Exile’s Reach seems to be concurrent or just after the Battle for Lordaeron, certainly after the War of Thorns. Since it seems like you skip those and go straight to trying to recruit Kul Tiras and Zandalar.

And then The Call for Allies was added in 8.0.1, despite requiring certain achievements. They talk as though it is the start of everything or just before.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Leaders of the Horde, I summoned you here–along with one of our greatest champions–because our enemies are gathering their strength.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: The Alliance is scouring the far corners of Azeroth in search of every advantage against us. We must do the same.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: War is coming. We need fresh blood added to the ranks of the Horde. What say you?
Eitrigg says: Warchief, years ago, the Horde pursued the fugitive Garrosh Hellscream to an echo of the Draenor I once knew.
Eitrigg says: In saving Draenor from Garrosh and the Burning Legion, this champion earned the trust of the orcs there. They owe the Horde a debt. I propose we collect what is owed to us.

It’d be funky, but there’s possible overlap. On this note, though. Is it ever said the Ogronn were wiped out anyway? I see ‘Dey say most were slain during the forming of the original horde.’

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You see a couple of Gorian inspired ruins on several Island Expeditions.

The second the Ogres find a Continent with low rank savages they are conquering it! Expect to see a proper Ogre Empire with Ogres as the undisputed rulers!

Exile’s Reach is just one imitation of the Gorian Empire. The Gorian Empire we see in Nagrand is also a pale imitation of the original Gorian Empire.

Should the Ogres find an easily conquered Continent than we will see the full extent of what a true Gorian Empire looks like!

The Seething Shore was on Kalimdor’s west side so if the Ogres seized a Continent West of Kalimdor we could see Roman, Jewish and Greek Architecture focus in a single Expansion! Ogres(Romans) dominating Night Elves(Greeks) and INSERT RACE HERE(Jews).

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/Jerusalem_in_the_time_of_Christ_%281878%29_%2814577866327%29.jpg indicates that the Jewish Architecture had features similar to Medieval European Battlements…

…ok?? The horde isn’t going anywhere so suck it up or keep swimming in that pool of tears you made

First paragraph on Wowpedia about the ogronn says the Old horde hunted them to extinction. I can’t double check the source though.

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That’s because that sentence is unsourced. There’s nothing to check.

Wowpedia makes a lot of things up that are false including the claim that Fel is the result of Light and Void destroying themselves on a monumental scale.

The truth is we know nothing about the origins of Fel as Chronicle mentions nothing about it aside from the fact that Demons are the result of Light and Void blending in Fel’s domain: the Twisting Nether.

Point of fact there are Void Hounds(obvious Void Entities spawned by Light and Void clashing) and Pit Lords in the Nether and the latter seems to include a form that resembles Infernals…

It would be ironic if the Demons originated from Rocks giving life from Light and Shadow causing collateral in the Fel Lords(as the Black Tome calls them)’ Home Dimension.

If Demons are entities created by Light and Void clashing while invading the Twisting Nether one wonders what the True Fel Entities are like…

Wowpedia needs to have it’s authors properly check their statements before posting them!

It’s from Chronicle (volume 2, iirc). The chapter was titled The Scouring of Draenor, or something similar. Basically where the Horde killed off all the Breakers, except Gruul, all the Arakkoa except the few that hid, all the Saberon, etc.

The thing is, it doesn’t actually say they were wiped out. Just that that was their goal.

Elsewhere, Blackhand tasked the Frostwolf, Thunderlord, and Whiteclaw clans with wiping out the world’s gronn, ogron, and magnaron, as well as many ogres.

The Frostwolves and the Whiteclaws saw no honor in hunting down the gronn, ogron, magnaron, and ogres. They held most of their warriors back. Yet Chieftain Fenris and his Thunderlords did not shy away from the task. They reveled in the slaughter of their ancient enemies.
One of the few gronn to escape the Horde’s onslaught was known as Gruul. He lorded over a small number of ogres and gronn in Gorgrond. Gruul far surpassed the rest of his kind in brute strength and cunning. From his remote lair in the mountains, he fended off multiple Thunderlord assaults. Casualties grew so great that Fenris abandoned the attacks.


So there may have been Magnaron who escaped through the Dark Portal along with the Ogres, Ogron and Gronn…

Naturally any Magnaron(just like the Ogron) would have had to have gotten themselves aboard ships sometime after arriving in the Eastern Kingdoms thus explaining why we saw none in Classic or Cataclysm…