P1 Top 20 Week 1 Progression Team
P2 Top 17 Week 1 Progression Team
Current realm rank: 29th in prog and 8th in speed 9/9 HR + Algalon
2 WOTLK 25m Raid Teams Tu/Wed 54/54 and Sun/Mon (Building)
Formed in TBC SWP
6/6 SWP Pre-Nerf
Multiple Teams Obtained Undying and Immortal achievements completed
Guild Organized PTR
Fast efficient raids, quick kill times, parsing and achievements w/ decent amount of banter.
(2) 25 man Raiding Teams
(3) 10 Man Raiding Teams
WOTLK Raid Schedule
Loot Council - Ulduar 25m Tues/Wed 9p (EST) - Hardcore
3 SR - Ulduar 25m Sun/Mon 9p (EST)
[What you can expect]
Organized modern raiding with detailed assignments.
Competitive, fun and focused raiding atmosphere with a high emphasis on min/maxing.
Active leadership that has a full understanding of compositions, log analysis, raid logistics and a proven track record of success in classic & private servers.
[What we expect from you if applying for Tuesday/Wednesday Team]
90%+ attendance and be on time for raids.
Awareness and the ability to minimize damage taken.
Optimized PvE professions.
Proper gems and enchants.
Attend raids prepared and consumables.
Full throttle each night on trash and bosses.
A basic understanding of Warcraft Logs.
Open to constructive criticism.
Ability to learn from your mistakes and hold yourself accountable.
Always looking to improve as a player and never being complacent.
- Ele Sham (Resto Flex)
- Aff Lock
- Exceptional Players
Sunday/Monday 3SR loot
All Classes
GM - azoc#0001
- Recruitment Officer - Webstar #7169
- Recruitment Officer - Warlokhomes#2531