Executus Horde Reconnections

rhox, warrior on alliance

rhox#4284 hit me up on discord if we gamed

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Healstick - Undead - Priest
Noxious people where ya at!? The road to HWL! Beebocanevo? Cowbonezz?

Ravik - Tauren Warrior

Etolis - Tauren Druid

Undead Rogue (and later DK) from Bare Form/DaKor

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Do you still play with Jaws?

-Tancred wondering

Tancred! Sup dude! Dwarf Rogue right? Yup, me and Jaws are playing on Stalagg Horde. You?

Ashius Warlock Dakor
Gonna give it a go.
Herod horde

Sambino/Choppastyle - Orc Warrior
Order of Fries guild
Feelthelove channel

Golgothan, undead shadow priest.
Pretty sure I was running my own guild, I can’t remember, and if I was it was called Gears
Literally anyone in my guild or that remembers me

Orc Hunter
Used to play on Executus in some of the top guilds. I’d also love a new guild to join/new friends to play with! Anyone feel free to send me a friend request or guild invite :slight_smile:

Xrayspecs - Troll Warrior
Mileexalta - Undead Priest
I was also the GM of the Blood Knights.

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Duece here undead warrior (Cashville bKCripz), used to run with Iced and Trollshaman for some funz, helped ruin Territos hwl grind by standing beside Iced watching him yelling the n word through stv…and getting thousands of dhks. Was part of the Iced pvp vid and stuff. Miss u iced memba we farmed a million righteous orbs in strat? Rip unstoppable force…

Then i got banned

Next rolled a rogue in bc might know me as Goop got Gladiator…started in guild i forgot the name then joined Uprising with Greengang as gm, he got us p far but ragequit. Started Goops irl associates, because im cool
To fellows listed,
Meanmachine- is weak irl, he claims he was a powerlifter xoxo
Greengang -sounded like squidward and xferred servers when we kept wiping on lady vashj
Cowbones- was on the grind paraplegic guy irl
Noknii- dual wielded thunderfury… nuff said

I was Tsubaki, Orc Hunter from Odin’s Wrath on Shadowmoon. We transferred over and merged with a guild on Executus.


UD Shadow Priest


Its good to see a lot of old faces here, i hope your enjoying your time in classic

Any of the old faces on either side want to keep in touch, add me

Blatt from Tindi Losi :slight_smile:

Played on Executus main was a shaman named chocotaco, later it was turq
also had a lock named gustaf

nice! I Remember Tindi and Ropetown. still have a few friends from Rope I talk 2

Tuefulhunden yo its Wulff the hunter from BC days.

Maimed - Orc Hunter… Guild Master of Strength / renamed to Mail Order Brides.

Playing on Whitemane Horde, Guild Master of Gauntlet

Redz - BE Rogue (Reverie)