Executus Alliance Reconnections

I had a warrior Ganfael, played with a bunch of RL friends and we used to hang in our vent. We were all from Brooklyn and the Varix I’m looking for was from the Dallas area.

Oh, yeah! That’s me. I’m still in Dallas. I definitely remember you guys! There was a guy named Gennaro (not sure if I spelled that correctly) in your friend group, right? Maybe some guy named Nick? Maybe Danny too? Man, it’s been a long time. There was definitely someone with the character name Percocetz (I think he was either a mage or a hunter).

I remember you guys always making fun of TO crying about Romo on the Cowboys haha. I actually tried to get in touch with you guys in wrath at some point, but didn’t have any luck.

Add me on battle.net! Varrix#1237

I remember Bonita. An annoying hunter, must have been doing something right.

Glitcher - NE Hunter. Originally rolled as a Tauren Warrior but swapped factions not too far into the server’s life. Was in a good number of guilds but really forget almost everyone since it’s been so long.

Pastapia NE blance/resto druid (my name may have been Moonfirez at the time, also play a dwarf hunter named Brinch. Also does anybody remember a mage named flarfy on the server

It’s coming back in classic, don’t you fret :smiley:

/wave Maury and Thanros and sweet baby boy Rei

Whiteraven - Night elf Hunter - cant remember the guild I was in but sure do miss ya all!

Think I remember the guild, exodus! cendris and eadian , sava are a few I starting to remember

Oh damn, Baam. Regardless of our relationship last time we ever talked - I have to reach out and say what’s up?

Veer/Viscerus of Cloud Nine here. We had those early MC runs and stuff. Fun to see old, recognizable names.

Vier - Druid
Viscerus - Rogue

Guild leader of XTC, which became Cloud Nine and eventually Internet Tough Guys. Fantasyman, Chuan, Katsuragi, so many good memories.

I wish YTMND was still up.

I remember you, Drue.

I was also in Exodus, came over w/ the guild from Dunemaul. Human Mage named Iari, (everyone thought name was “Lari” for some reason >.>) Used to play with Siell and Flutter from time to time. I would also raid with the guild in MC and all those others I can’t remember the initials for anymore, heh.

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I vaguely remember the name. There are only a handful I really remember, Tarantura, Chillcottone, Flutter, there was a hunter…Del-something.

Siell plays Archeage pretty hardcore. He liked classic pve content but likes hardcore wpvp, so he won’t be playing classic.

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Invaleus was the original GM on Dunemaul, then we merged with the guild Flutter was in, the name of which I can’t remember, so Paulina Khaki Moongirl Nightshar Hoycettea indus and a few more joined. Then we merged with stormrider (i think) and got fooness bloodyroots roy takeiri ragewood. There was other longtimers like Column, Rag, Sulrus, Kristjan, Delcran, and the resident Aussie Reya

lawlcats night elf rogue. i was so good u knew you wanted 2 be my friend

Hoycettea checking in :slight_smile:


Yeah I’m looking forward to the PVE myself. I don’t remember much about the PVP in WoW Classic, except getting endlessly owned in STV by level 60’s while trying to complete my quests lol

lol hi Clup!

I was Gnolie in Eye Candy, then Goatbert, and now I’m Terra (because some other stuff changed…). I was in Eye Candy, then in MoP I moved to Serious Casual on Mal’Ganis, and now I hop around random alliance guilds. Mostly I just don’t play though, no time :woman_shrugging:t2:

For those who were in EC: a bunch of us are in a discord, crying bear tabard logo and all. I can get you an invite.


I remember you Rhox !
Would see you in IF alot!
Also “Hellbenthobo” (Horde)