Executive Producer/VP Holly Longdale addresses the feedback of Plunderstorm

Plunderstorm to me is the only non-dungeon/raid content that I actually feel excitement and engagement when I play it except for a few of the dragon races in all of DF.

It’s been a fun side thing to do near the end of a season.

Im glad the dungeons and raids have been fun because everything else they have added in DF has been abysmal until PS.

Funny thing, that. I have enjoyed it all except for PS.


Did you use it as an insomnia remedy?

No, as a method of gold farming. You can get a purse that has 15k from all the faction weeklies.

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I think what they fail to understand is gatekeeping WoW rewards like pets and mounts behind a non-WoW in game structure is one reason so many people are angry.

As a pet collector, that’s 3 pets I won’t ever get. I won’t encourage them to come up with gameplay that I do not want to do.

Pet battle PVP only has 1 pet as a reward. It is insulting this time sensitive event has 3 pets tied to it.


Folks are saying the same about fated season. It’s a revolving door around here.


I think people are blowing this way, waaaay out of proportion.

It’s a completely optional game mode that can only just barely be called PvP. You can’t really define it as strictly one or the other. The whole thing is participation based because you can max out all 40 of your renown without killing a single player.

It lets you kill other players yes, but it’s not really PvP. There’s no ranked play, no leaderboard system and more importantly, no actual win conditions. The objective isn’t to kill other players. It’s an aside where you collect renown in a mish mash of chaos.

I literally despise PvP and think WoW’ implementation of it has been historically awful and toxic, but its not really like Plunderstorm.

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I think a large part of the dislike goes back to it being “world of Warcraft” content but it’s not in the actual world of Warcraft. Like if we get pve mode just like plunderstorm then I will probably feel the same way about it.

I dunno why these things can’t be in the game with our characters and stuff lol.


I’ll give my feedback, thanks. You don’t get to tell me to suck it up.


I’m pretty biased overall though. Most of my excitement has been around how the game mode completely upends the stuff that we do know.

No classes, no gear disparity, no rotations or trinkets, mechanics are very simple so to me it feels almost like an entire expansion worth of updates on such a small patch, and that’s part of the reason why my perception of it is so biased in favor of, but I also get that it might not be some people’s cup of tea and thats totally fair

I do appreciate them being so communicative, but I’m absolutely ready, as a primarily PVE player, to potentially not like their next, apparently PVE-focused experiment.

Ironically, the largely PVP plunderstorm had a highly accessible and “effort-economical” PVE track to just get in, get rewards and get out. If they come out with something “new and PVE centric,” I’m wholly ready for it to be some timed, skill-testing, and thus less effort-economical feature. I’d hope that they’d realize that that would immediately count out a good number of people, but they seem willing to wave the “can’t please everyone” flag which, while wise, is still frustrating if two experiments in a row happen to miss some of the same people.

You think after all their mishaps they should be able to read the room better, especially coming off of that diablo fiasco.

But nope


Just make it so the first 3-4 mins of the game you cannot PVP. Then the PVE people get to do their thing and the “real pvpers” can do theirs. Problem solved.


Not to go on a tangent but that’s every freaking social media site there is from Facebook Instagram tiktok you name it

Not just X


I feel like the discussion about this is going in the wrong direction. It’s not that experimentation is bad. It’s that not allowing a space for testing and feedback is generally a bad idea. A lot of the issue that blew up could’ve easily been caught if they had a beta play test with players.

That never helps. They should have a professional beta testing team in house.

What would have helped is to not put WoW rewards in a different game. Then only people who actually like that new game would be playing it, instead of a lot of WoW players who just want the rewards.


I think in their heart that. They probably knew it wasn’t going to go over very well .
It was going to go over like a fart in church…

That’s why it was a “surprise” and had to put of mogs and pets and mounts for it to draw a PvE crowd


Yeah but any junior game dev could tell you how that was gonna end up. If they really wanted to do that, they should have made a PVP or PVE toggle for game modes, or make the first few minutes of the game “No PVP”.

What they settled on is just a disaster.

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I’d argue that a lot of those problems that also exist on other apps like Facebook etc. are all exasperated on that app in particular because it really leans in on the rage bait to drive up engagement over everything else. And I don’t mean just a little or a typical amount, they really lay it on thick, like reeeeeal thick, like buttercream frosting on a cinnamon roll

That and people just follow other people that echo their Beliefs so it’s just one huge echo chamber…for all political and other weird stuff