Executive Producer/VP Holly Longdale addresses the feedback of Plunderstorm

I’ll take things I never said for 500 Alex. So now you’re putting words in my mouth? Wow. That’s subpar trolling. Not even good bait. Feeling okay buddy? Need a snickers?


And if you tell them “then why are queues still instant, at very worst, 10 seconds of waiting” especially now that this event has been going over a week.

They’ll never respond back.


Even a Snickers won’t fix that.


Probably not.


I didn’t say that was coming from you.

These were threads posting non stop during Plunderstorm launch.

You can look at hotfix threads blizzard posted and it’s majority of “game bad lul” than actual negative feedback

Ooo… a Snickers!!! Yes please, I can turn it into cookies.



You literally said ‘Your negative feedback’. You literally implied that it came from me. But after being called on it suddenly ‘I didn’t say it came from you’?

Again, don’t worry, I gotchu.

I’m firmly in the camp of “the only thing they did wrong was the marketing”. The event is fine (conceptually - I doubt I’ll ever log in) . Doing something PVP centric was a good " out of the box"idea for a 20 year old PVE game, even if it had flaws. It was the build up/let down that makes it feel unsuccessful. And I suspect, based on that announcement, that the numbers aren’t where they hoped they would be.


Again, I didn’t say you directly made a seething hate thread.

I said you claim non constructive negative feedback is the same as actual negative feedback. I said majority of the negative feedback is the former.

The former is what Blizzard shouldn’t listen to, but the majority thinks they aren’t listening… They are.

Just not listening to your typical seething/raging threads of “Plunderstorm SUCCKS!1!1!1!”

Instant queues when there are no role, level, or class restrictions isn’t proof of much. That just tells you there were 59 other people out of the 7 million subs that wanted to play. It’s a safe bet that Plunderstorm is a limited time event so they don’t have to explain why it would be a ghost town in 2 months.



I would also say how its both wow but not wow.
Like it uses all wow assets and you access it via your wow login. But its not connected to your wow character in any way.

Even the hate threads are still feedback. It may not be constructive. But it is still feedback. Everyone has the right to make their voice heard about content they pay for, whether it is something they love or something they hate. You’re not gonna win that argument. the ‘Just accept it’. Doesn’t work. Doesn’t fly. You don’t get to decide who’s voices are valid and who’s aren’t.


I mean did you see him try and spread mass death hoaxes on the baltimore bridge post? He shoulda been perma banned for that.


Wait, what?

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…that…that was a thing?

yall dont know about the baltimore bridge collapse after a massive 100 ton ship lost power and collapsed it?

He tried to spread rumors about how it was targeted and the mass amount of death it caused, when in reality it was closed off except for a few workers.

He tried to spin it off like it was a mass death incident feeding people false info


I know about that, I’m talking about the mass death hoax.

See edit above, he should be perma banned for what he did.

I’m convinced he’s the little nephew of someone at Blizz.

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