Execute Lor'themar

People on the Story Forums: “Another Erevien thread? Uhg, I can’t take anymore of his stupid takes. Why do the mods allow him to do this?”

Also people on the Story Forums when they find an Erevien thread:


Why does Nathanos’ recollection of history hold more weight than Lor’themar’s? We have no idea what their interactions looked like back then. I don’t doubt Nathanos was disliked by the Farstriders - we know the high elves were an insular and isolationist people until the zombie apocalypse forced them to make nice - but I’m not convinced the guy whose defining personality trait is “mean, choleric jerk” was much more personable in life.

I mean, the mods refuse to do anything about his troll threads so we may as well sift for something worth discussing in them.

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Nathanos is a jerk, but I have a soft spot for him.

His pride for his own accomplishments has always been overshadowed by the fact that he’s been accused of getting all of his accomplishmenrs due to Sylvanas’s favor, but he’s actually a formidable Ranger so we have to assume he was actually as good as he was, for a human, and maybe that clashed with isolationist elven egos, like Lorthemar’s.

Also from what I gather from the RP books Quel’thalas is an artistocracy. People don’t earn thier way up the ranks, it’s about how high up your house is, so an outsider actually earning his way up the ranks through merit could be seen as threatening. Nathanos isn’t a foreign prince, he was a poor peasant from another kingdom who had higher rank than other Rangers who felt entitled to have his spot like Renthar and Halduron. From what I gathered from In the Shadows of the Sun, Lorthemar thought Halduron deserved to be Ranger Lord more than Nathanos did. And that’s why Lorthemar made him the current Ranger-General. (Lorthemar trained Halduron, so there could also be that at play too, Lorthemar simply could have disagreed or had a playful rivalry with Sylvanas on who’s student was better… I dunno i’m just spitballing at this point)

(At least that’s my headcanon anyway.)


Thanks for the clarification, for a second I thought you were talking about Sylvanas there. Who has done exactly the same thing. Best Warchief eva, right? :crazy_face:

More like “Speaking ill of the Undead.” I also don’t see the problem with it. It’s just his subjective opinion. And… the Nathanos we saw in WoW was a jerk whenever we met him.

That’s the thing though, he says explicitly “In life Nathanos was a braggart and a bully.” I wouldn’t have a problem with the quote if he was talking only about his character in undeath.

And yes, I agree that this is only his subjective opinion. However, I feel like Lor’themar at the end of bfa is being used as a mouthpiece for what we should think about characters:
“Baine is the best in the horde.” “Calia’s advice is invaluable” etc
And I don’t like it much.

This is also only my subjective opinion, of course.


He also knew Sylvanas for “a thousand years” but apparently had no idea of any of her motivations and continues to treat her suspiciously even after all the Forsaken have done.


Especially after everything they’ve done, during and post Scourge…

What have they done to the BE?

Other than get them a spot in the Horde and helped reclaim the Ghostlands from the Scourge and the Night Elf encroachment.

So terrible!


All elves should secede from both H & A to create a third faction.

Some people want to watch the world burn and others want to add fuel to the fire.


With how exploring Kalimdor was written, I wouldn’t be too sure.

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Napalm….lots and lots of napalm

No idea how that’s relevant, but it does the job :wolf:

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Um, slaughtered many in Silvermoon and left the place in ruin? Also helped Arthas defile and desecrate the Sunwell, while the player Forsaken are created afterwards, there are still members of the Forsaken who took part in said massacre.

The inclusion of the Forsaken in the Horde has always been a bit…uneasy or tenuous. What’s more amusing is that Sylvanas leads them, seeing as she was one of the Scourge’s most infamous victims.

You know the Forsaken we not in control of themselves as Scourge right?


But they did still destroy several cities, including Silvermoon. I would think the Tauren/Blood Elves would still be a good deal less than enthusiastic about trusting them. Like the Forsaken are responsible for WHY Blood Elves are on the verge of extinction, seems a bit weird to just so easily trust them outright.

Night elves and humans?

The Forsaken were the last ones to help them, help bordering on blackmail, no?

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How does that explain the BE’s trusting DK’s over the Forsaken though? There’s no logic here.


No, the blackmail was just to send troops to Northrend to fight Arthas in WoLK. The entire relationship wasn’t built on blackmail. Sylvanas wanted to help her former home.


Has there ever been logic? I mean just in general the Blood Elves being so eager to ally with the people (even loosely) who decimated their home and are why they’re on the brink of extinction just seems… off (Blood Elves don’t seem particularly forgiving).

It’s not like the Horde in general hasn’t given them much more reason not to stick around either…

During Cataclysm, nothing bad happened other than killing by the Alliance towards the blood elves? Or during the MoP, before the Dalaran Purge? During WotLK, unless the Alliance attacked the Undercity, nothing happened to the blood elves?