The tooltip describing execute’s damage confuses the hell out of me. The numbers between bloodthirst and execute make it seem we should press execute but it’s crap. As slayer fury, I tried using juggernaut, and all the execute talents to make use of slayer’s execute bonuses but I haven’t seen nowhere near the crits I see when using vicious contempt. Im talking the difference in 500k vs 2+mil. My ST sux for tyrannical even after the buffs.
You’re complaining about a lack of damage yet you haven’t even forced gems on your neck/ring slots, nor have you even bothered to crafted 2x embelishments and you’re missing throughtput enchants as well.
Cmon at least try a little bit.
My sister in arms, enchants, gems and all that is relative and don’t talk to the point I’m making. You are conflating issues.
Reading the tooltip and speccing in execute, one would think it would hit hard. Using the same gear using bloodthirst over execute is what Im talking to. It’s confusing as why it doesnt do what the tooltip says it should be doing.
I might have answered my own question. Execute doesn’t have any bonuses to crit damage so it’s just weak for fury although i tried using spear and that doesn’t seem to do more than roar. Just reading numbers doesn’t give me a sense of what does more damage is what Im getting at.
Aint nobody got time to hit execute!!
Execute damage has always been wierd like that. Hits for next to nothing alot. Doesnt even move a low health bar sometimes. Then occasionally it hits for like 10x that. Ive never really liked nor understood it. There are times in pvp i can drop 6 executes in a row on a 25% hp target and not kill
If you’re spamming it, after the first couple executes you’re just hitting low end executes off auto attack rage gen.