LFR is harder than Normal in almost all cases. Normal is 10-30 people who are coordinated. LFR is 25 strangers with no coordination.
I had some CC members tell me I’m not correct in that it’s harder but that just tells me they’ve never actively done LFR more than a couple times. Anyone who does LFR regularly and normal occasionally knows LFR is harder.
Multiple Cutting Edge raiders went on record in BFA that LFR N’Zoth was harder than Mythic N’Zoth and it all goes back to communication.
Not mechanics or damage wise. Simply player coordination wise.
Yet they continue to belittle and act like we want “handouts” for doing LFR.
If they want to treat LFR like “EZ Mode” to the point the gear isn’t even worth running for (m0 has either been the same or higher) then they missed the mark and need to significantly nerf every boss now and in the future.
The fact we can be in LFR for hours at a tiny chance at a piece of gear that 99% is only useful for transmog due to m0 gear isn’t okay.
Otherwise, stop treating LFR players like we are breezing through content and want free stuff. No. We put just as much work in as a good majority of raiders and wanting a reward for that especially one we were led to believe we’d get is not entitlement. It’s called wanting to be treated like a basic human being.
I am still struggling to find a group, due to every group I sign up to having high ilvl requirements. Despite people saying how easy Normal mode is, still no one willing to take me into their group (unless they don’t like rogues, which might be the case!)
With regards to LFR being harder than Normal, can’t comment on that exactly as I only have done LFR (which I have done a lot!). But it varies from group to group, some groups you breeze through and others you wipe constantly
I am going to keep trying to get a group, but at some point I will just cut my losses and give up on the Slime Cat mount
I find excluding the casual community of wow players to be completely disrespectful to your player base. As a Heroic/Mythic raider I don’t think it takes away from me that LFR players would get a slime cat mount. LFR is a lot harder than people think, and a lot of players in general avoid doing it due to the fact its hard to co ordinate a bunch of people who don’t want to be co ordinated.
There is no such thing I think of a handout, when we all pay the same amount of money to play the game. Sure if you had tied the mount in the beginning to Normal/heroic/mythic there may not have been such an uproar although in my opinion still unfair to the casual players. But you didn’t you built hopes that players could get this mount while just being able to casually queue and still do and complete the same raid as others and then jerked it away from them.
The culture around treating casuals like sub par players needs to stop. There are a lot of casuals who were hardcore players in the beginning of wow through many expansions that just had life chance, (for example, relationships, children) and now still pay their sub to enjoy the game they love but also have obligations that stop them raiding or playing at the level they used to, or put the time in they once had.
I hope going forward blizzard recognise these players and also allow them to enjoy the spoils of raiding in some form, regardless of the difficulty.
For me, it’s not the excluding. If the achievement had launched 3 months ago stating Normal or Higher, I’d be fine. I’d probably have made a post to please include an LFR reward in future test seasons like this, but I’d have been fine, as would I imagine most people.
Like, they could have easily added a pet or cosmetic armor for LFR. But they actively chose not to, likely because the achievement was also for LFR, and a last minute decision made it Normal+.
For me, it’s about the fact they aren’t honoring what they led us to believe for 3 months. That’s quite literally bait and switching.
I do agree with the rest of your post wholeheartedly though, and to be frank, I’m disgusted at how many CC members talked down to LFR/outdoor players and then double downed when I explained how it was talking down to LFR players. And that’s just the CC, there’s been many more in GD.
If someone tells you that you’re insulting them and talking down to them, you don’t say “No I’m not” and re-apply your point. You apologize and say you’ll try to phrase things better in the future. Otherwise you’re just a massive jerk.
Blizzard is enabling this toxic behavior and they need to stop.
LFR players and outdoor players put just as much effort into the game as other players. Just in different areas. And I stand by my belief that 80-90% of the afkers in LFR are not casual players, they’re players who think LFR is below them. (Note: I am in no way referring to every non-casual player, I’ve met many who do plenty of work in LFR and make it a much more enjoyable experience, and to those people, just know you are <3’d)
I still think they should’ve added it to LFR. For me it’s not even about the difficulty level, it’s about content being queueable. I don’t mean to bring up my disability, but that is the reason why I refuse to do organized content. In LFR, at least I don’t have to be anxious or nervous about someone calling me out for my DPS because I can’t keep up. I’ve never once had anyone whisper me, yell at me or boot me in LFR content.
World of Warcraft is a game I’ve been playing for 16 1/2 years. I’ve been on disability for about four years now, so time is not of the essence, so organized content has nothing to do with me not having enough time. The reason why I do not do organized content is because it’s stressful for me and I don’t have fun doing it. I can’t really imagine anyone that would volunteer to do something intentionally stressing and unenjoyable when it comes to a hobby of theirs.
The fact that they never responded to any of this and the fact that they decided to leave the mount out of LFR is absolute garbage and I’m not afraid to say that. This is the last time I talk about this, because I’m not used to whining this much over something so insignificant, but some of these topics as of late have just really frustrated me beyond belief, sometimes you need to vent, even excessively.
And just because people are still telling me I’m only saying this cause I won’t get it Normal+:
I have always expected to be able to get it in Normal with my guild - however, I am at heart an LFR player, and I do not feel it is right to bait and switch LFR players like this. We were led to believe for 3 months we could get it through LFR, and they should honor that. Period.
And to be frank, I’ll keep this topic alive, either in CC or GD, until the ability to earn the mount is over, because it needs to be rectified.
I got mine too but those groups man… i saw lots of 290+ yesterday… people just wanna blast trough. I don’t know how on earth someone with 260 gear (which is still enough for normalmode) and probably no curve should get into a grp without making one by himself. Which is further stress for some… Where is the fun in all of that?
And worst of all the silence continues… why can’t they atleast say we made a mistake in communication about the cat and how and where to obtain it.
At this point Blizzard, we understand you aren’t going to honor what you essentially advertised for 3 months.
But at the VERY least, you owe us an explanation.
Even if it’s as simple as “We are sorry. A developer accidentally labeled the achievement for any difficulty and it was not caught until last minute” (Though if this really is the case, a note that you will try to include rewards for LFR players in the future would be nice as well)
The silence on this matter is just making it worse at this point. This is one of the biggest drama situations in years and ignoring it is not helping.
The fact Ion said you are considering global raid releases for Normal/Heroic/Mythic but yet again left out LFR players.
Why do you timegate LFR 2 weeks per wing (seriously, you spoiled Dragonflight before LFR players were even able to kill the Jailer, and when we asked you to move up LFR jailer by a week to stop this, you didn’t) and seriously treat us like we are less than every other player? Its getting downright offensive at this point.
Stop treating LFR players like less than. It’s wrong on so many levels and helps other players justify their LFR players belittling, harassment, and overall toxic attitudes.
We have BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION a statement that you can’t keep creating raids if LFR didn’t exist because participation. Yet you treat the players that are doing LFR and allowing you to continue to make raids like garbage. It needs to stop.
I don’t think it’s too much to ask that you treat us like players that exist and deserve equal treatment.
I’m not going to debate whether the Slime Cat being locked behind normal difficulty is reasonable or not, since that’s more or less subjective.
What I do want to chime in on, however, is something else entirely:
What we have here is a severe lack of communication, and people are left guessing the developer’s intentions regarding this touchy subject.
Was it merely worded poorly? Did they intend for the mount to be available through LFR but ultimately changed their mind mid-development? Was locking it behind normal the plan all along?
We don’t know.
And in the one place they could easily provide context behind their decision, and address their community, we get nothing.
Nothing but Blizzard’s trademark radio silence.
Which is pretty disheartening, considering the whole point of this Community Council is to help facilitate communication between Blizzard and the player base.
It makes this forum feel more like a VIP General Discussion.
I think this is where people find the most anger they have towards blizzard