Excited for faeline stomp retexture

Jade serpent stomp?

Wave of the jade serpent?

On the one hand, yay.
They made it visually appropriate for the class.
Way better than the blue tree we have now.

But on the other hand… i guess this means its sticking around then.

Welp been revealed and wow that animation is beautiful >.>

If only they put that much effort into fixing monk with a much needed rework.

It does look nice. Better than I expected. Seems very MW flavored, so hopefully they remove it as a WW talent in the future. They need to change it so it always branches to cover maximal surface area around targets along the axis instead of branching only a little for tightly packed targets. Basically just make it always cover a large area of ground if we’re going to be using this a mechanic going forward.

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New texture looks like Quetzalcoatal, opposite end of the earth from the Chinese class thematics of monk.

I’m glad the SL spells are finally being addressed but this new graphic is out of place.


Yeah it could definitely be made to look more like a serpent.

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Like someone said in another thread I was kinda hoping for ground cracks with mist rolling out of them maybe

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  • Faeline Stomp has been renamed to Jadefire Stomp.

  • Faeline Harmony has been renamed to Jadefire Harmony.

  • Way of the Fae has been renamed to Path of Jade.

  • Fae Exposure has been renamed to Jadefire Brand.

It’d be cool if it was nature and fire damage.

Could even apply the 12% damage as a debuff to the target … ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I think that’d be a first.

Yea I wonder if Jadefire is a new fire element like shadowflame or whether it’s just nature and fire damage.

Have to agree with this. I think WW is much better off with Weapons of Order than Faeline Stomp.

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Just a few more days…

Excited to have some new visuals!

It’s only right for all monks to decorate Valdrakken with our Jadefire Stomp once servers are up

The animation is so heavy it’ll probably crash peoples games :rofl:

At least the original one could cause a visible slowdown for me anyway …

Just cleaned my gpu and added thermal paste today lol…
Man the animation is genuinely heavy and beautiful. Can’t even lie.

The former Faeline STomp would completely show its full visual and animation with my low settings, but not the new Jadefire Stomp. I had to increase my settings to see the full animation.

and they didn’t update the visual icon! probably have to wait a whole another expansion for that.

Which setting did you have to increase? I can’t seem to find it only visual effect I get is the mist outline

i just had to turn on projected textures

For a momment i forgot about the update, was slightly surprised when killing mobs and seeing it when pressing faeline.

I am happy.