Why am I able to loot gear tokens for other classes besides the one i’m playing? That’s just pure nonsense. Why would they let this happen? The tokens should only be able to picked up by the appropriate class. Now I have tokens for different classes, they are bind on pickup, and i lose out on xmogs because they thought it was a good idea to let us loot gear tokens that aren’t able to be used??? Is there any way to exchange them for one for my class? Or is blizzard just straight up that retarded?
How is this any different to you than when a boss drops armor types you can’t equip?
Because those aren’t literally class specific. This isn’t just gear drops. It’s tokens that have class restrictions. I think either make it’s just one general token that all classes can use to turn in, or make it so only token for you class drop. Kind of how it is now where only stuff for your loot spec drops.
That’s kinda how loot pools work and have worked.
As soon as something becomes legacy (Soloable by design not just by chance) then personal loot is disabled and each boss just drops a selection of items from their loot table. Tier tokens have always been a part of WoW’s older raid tiers, as has, amusingly, the loot system used in legacy content.
Wait a minute. You actually see something different between plate dropping for a non-plate wearer and a token with the wrong set of classes?
Armor types have class restrictions because you only receive appearances for the appropriate armor type. Even though a plate wearer can equip any armor they only receive appearances for plate.
Tokens have different groups of classes, but it’s exactly the same type of situation as having armor drop that you can’t equip. You vend it and hope you get what you’re looking for next time.
Reading the Title, i assume you talk about Legacy Raids. Back when that particular Raid was Current Content you did not solo them(i know, omgosh right?). So That Tokens drop for everyone was wanted.
You don’t loose out on xmog … because face it if a Class Item drops directly … its only Gold for you, too.
Those Token’s are worth 50g and more … why would you not want them to drop? …
Yes they are Class Specific. Thats why they are called “Class Set”.
What we have right now is Personal Loot which means you won’t get any other loot that drops … literally only the one you can use. That means you loose drops that you could sell for gold. You sure you want that?
As soon as stuff becomes Legacy, they not just drop a selection from their Loot List … they give the player everything they did drop in that Kill.
So, i not know, but OP you sound confused. It sounds like to me, what you really want is that a Boss in Legacy Loot drops only Items your Character can use … as to reduce the Time Needed to farm the Tmog you aim for. But that’s not how this works.
Bosses in Legacy Loot just give the player all the loot of that Kill, in Personal Loot only certain players get something. If you check it out, you will see most bosses even right now in Eternal Palace give about 1 Item to 5 players. That’s 5 Items that drop. In Legacy Loot Rules you just get all those 5 Items …