Excess Frost/Fire change

This is getting kinda pointless, no? From 10s cdr on 11.0.7 to 5s on last PTR build to 3s in the upcoming build and a 50% nerf to Excess Fire for Fire Mage. Might as well completely rework this hero tree at this point if we’re going to go with these numbers.

If the intent is addressing tuning, please do so in some other way because this will have major gameplay implications as well. Please revert the cdr changes.


Yeah 3 seconds is a crazy massive downgrade. I certainly don’t want a full rework of the tree though. Frostfire is amazing. I don’t think this will ruin it by any means, but it will definitely slow it down a lot. Which will be a shame. Throwing around piles of comet storms is awesome.

It’s a damn joke it’s what it is.

Wtf do we need double charge for anyway at this point? The double charge would have been very useful before this awful ff rework that nobody asked for.

Now it’s maybe useful with the snap combo.

What a joke, the guy that’s working on mage right now is a joke, i refuse to believe it’s the same guy that worked on it during beta and early s1.

Or maybe it was just luck, it was literally luck that they managed to do something nice, and now it’s time to ruin it.


What’s next? Next patch it’s 1 sec cdr? Get real already.

This is a god damned joke.

I don’t really want a rework either, it’s more of a call out that these CDR nerfs are terrible for gameplay. Just fixing boltspam for Frost and reining in the amount of stuff we had to track all the time made it feel pretty good to play already.

It’s definitely to address the Coldest Snap combo and it was needed. I’d say this is the only positive change though and everything else actively makes it worse to play. Just ignoring throughput a bit, I just feel like 3s cdr (especially going all the way from 10s) and the PF cdr for Fire are a joke. A bad one.


It’s the only good change, and it’s what i suggested BEFORE THE REWORK. Im just really pissed that they reworked ff just for it to become worse.

I would have been fine if they kept excess frost cdr at 10 seconds, but now? It’s a joke.

3 seconds? 3 effin seconds? Are you for real blizzard?

If you’re gonna clown go all the way, at least i would get a laugh out of it maybe, make it 1 second. Do it, who cares at this point.

Tons of good suggestions, and this is what they come up with, what a joke.

Who even asked for a ff rework? Like seriously.

I am also confused by Blizzard’s logic.
They changed Excess Fire / Frost to trigger from Comet Storm (every 25 seconds) instead of every maximum Mastery stack (every 14 seconds), barely buffed proc damage to compensate and did not even compensate for less Brain Freeze / PF and Comet Storm / Meteor CDR. And instead of compensating for that they go even further and nerf Excess Frost CDR (so now every 27 seconds, even worse than before), Ice Nova proc (which was buffed to compensate for less frequency of proccing) and Frostfire Infusion? Where is the logic here where they nerfed the spec already and instead of compensating for that they keep nerfing it? Blizzard, I don’t know what you are thinking about but nerfs after nerfs just get hero tree to become unviable compared to other hero spec. Please revert Excess Frost CDR changes back to 5 seconds (as it nerfed both numbers and gameplay) and provide proper compensation to keep hero specs in line. If buffs to Blizzard is the reason for it please revert it back to 8 seconds duration, I would rather play with more fun hero tree interactions than boring overlapping Blizzards (where duration now also doesn’t align with cooldown and requires additional tracking) and where enemies often don’t even stay in it for whole duration anyway.

Here’s the thing, all they should have done was make excess stack to 2, and make ff things benefit from mastery that’s all.

This ff rework, i haven’t seen a single person ask for it.

But if they were gonna change it, why the hell did they nerf excess frost from 10 to 5 and then to 3, like??? What are you doing blizzard?!

Ill drop this here in hopes that a dev finally gets a clue:
1: unnerf excess frost to at least 5 seconds
2: consider bringing back s2 df tier set in place of wintertide or frozen touch
3: make glacial spike benefit from most frostbolt modifiers, like slick ice, fof and brain freeze
4: make all frostfire stuff benefit from mastery
5: completely rework the capstones on left side of the tree
6: revert orb to 10% proc, for slinger 5% is bad. Really bad.

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Well, it’s not really every 25/27 seconds because there are Frostfire Empowerment procs in between, but 3s CDR is insultingly low compared to what we have right now and even compared to what we have on PTR. The flow of the spec and the really fun part which is sending comets and meteors got dumpstered with these changes.

This really does not seem fun for Fire. Being starved for PFs to actually use the procs that make the hero spec function…ugh. What’s the point in Flame Accelerant if it’s going to be wasted just spamming FFBs. With Hyperthermia also being gutted, Sunfury is also going to have nothing to do between Combusts.

I’d almost rather go back to DF SKB with three PFs - at least it felt like it flowed properly, and I didn’t have to awkwardly aim Meteors in my ST rotation.