Exception: ACCESS_VIOLATION - The memory could not be read

+1 to the person who said about the Paladin mage tower appearance. I moved my paladin out and my other three toons that used mage tower appearances (my main, and two other common alts) and i can get in the game and do dungeons. I have not tested long term (it was only about 25 mins) but that seemed to fix it.

It is super random why that works or how that breaks the game. This entire prepatch has caused me to question my sanity and what little trouble shooting skills i have.

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Funny enough I transmogged the Mage Tower pally flail today and this started happening. Glad I found this post! Not using the flail now and it is back to normal.

Just ran into this same error today. Had taken me a bit to figure out my file path for a manual launch. After moving my Human Paladin with the MT Flail/Shield out of the Warband, everything seems to be working for the time being.

Thanks for the tips/help, hope Blizzard rolls out a fix for this.

Removing characters from the Favorites area on the login screen doesn’t remove them from your Warband. Your Warband is your full account, not just the 4 characters.

Please report the Pally flail in Bug Report.

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Removing my Legion warrior mage tower flail transmog fixed my Access Violation/memory read issues and I am able to login normally. My others toons with legion mage tower appearances appear to be unaffected.

I can continuously login without issue but when I mog my flail and log back in my system crashes and receive the ACCESS VIOLATION/memory error.

I have to click on the cog wheel and select scan and repair each time before I’m able to successfully log in. I get that memory message each time. I never had that issue up until remix launched.

Thanks for this,
kept me from uninstalling and FINALLY quitting the game… thanks…

So after waiting hours for my game to reinstall, I did the fix and yeah, it was the damn flail.

I reported an issue earlier and can confirm my paladin was using the Mage Tower Flail, and was the last character I had logged in when the issue occurred.

I tried the slow log in method and was able to remove the flail. However, when I logged in again it repeated the same access memory error. I put in a trouble ticket, but what came back was a list of steps that included do a scan and repair, use admin mode, uninstall and re-install, and lastly take your computer in to a technician. Also, all of the links provided returned with “this link no longer exists.” My issue is that it only happens to the account with a Pally and not my other account. Very strange.

Same here. Not helpful. I had already done everything other than the admin mode. The transmog thing doesn’t make any sense to me but i changed my priests weapon transmog anyway, didn’t fix the issue for me.

it does seem like the mash the button before the warband loads seems to work to get into the game… but i’ve been doing random /reload 's while playing to test and i still crash.

Did you move the character out of the warband campfire screen? Try that as well

If it’s happening to you in-game, I would say it’s very unlikely it’s the same crash the majority of us were seeing who had the flail transmog on. That crash was happening exclusively at the warband favorites login screen only, when a character with the aforementioned mog was in the favorites list.

My suggestion is treat your in-game crash as something completely different.

I just had this happen for the first time today (and i do have a paladin in my warband display with the flail mog).

I fixed it by manually editing the “character-list-order.txt” file in my main account folder via cutting characters 5-8 and pasting them at the top of the list and renumbering them 1-4 and renumbering the original 1-4 to 5-8.

After that the game booted up fine and i rearranged my warband to not have my pally in the main warband display.


I’m guessing simply deleting that file (and possibly the accompanying .old file (after backing them up, in case)) will have the same effect, but i haven’t tested it.

Was also able to replicate this issue with my paladin with the mage tower flail. If you spam click on another character in the list so it does not load the campfire scene then swap back to your favs it will prevent the crash. This should allow you to log in and change to a different transmog.

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I had the issue with a Warrior flail legion appearance. Just to note, it is not just the Paladin flails.

I changed my paladin mog out of the mage tower flail. Fixed. I did not remove my paladin from the favorites.

I think it is the flails, i mogged my pally to legion artifact weapon flail, then it won’t let me change the shield (has to be the legion artifact shield) I thought it was weird, but i logged off.

Now I get booted at warband screen, only thing I can narrow down is the flail mog being weird…it has to be the flails…

Just an FYI I was able to login to fix this by deleting everything in the Cache folder. The game will repopulate the folders inside the cache folder on its own so you are safe to delete everything inside it. This will get you to the login screen no problem and you can see your toon with the flail. Log in ang xmog out of it or move to non-favorite. Interestingly enough the flail is all wonky and not sitting right on the character.

Experiencing this issue on my main computer a 13600k with RTX 3070. Also experiencing this on my laptop a 9750H with GTX 1650. And a test computer with an 12400 and RTX 3060. A new base computer with a 7800X3D is in shipping so I’ll have to report back if the issue persists on that.

Also still experiencing it under Arch Linux 6.10.6-arch1-1 using Wine and Lutris on all computers.