Exception: ACCESS_VIOLATION - The memory could not be read

Getting the same issue constantly for the past couple of days. Loads up to the character selection screen then the error occurs. Deleting the 3 folders fixed nothing. Having to scan & repair the game each time I want to log on. Usually uploads about 60-70mb to repair the game. USUALLY works fine after the first scan & repair.

I’ve been getting this issue off and on for a few months now, since Tuesday it’s gotten considerably worse.

Not that it should matter, but mine has also been on my paladin each time this has happened. It is in my favorites and usually the last toon I log off of at night.

And apparently the first scan & repair did not fix it this time.

I’m actually able to reproduce this too.

I am pretty sure it’s related to transmog, can you test with the paladin Mage Tower armor, as well as use the flail + shield mog from legion expansion? Truthguard with the flail mog.

I can remove just my paladin and I don’t have any issues after that.

My paladin used the Flail t-mog as well from the Mage tower (she always does) when it was happening. I guess I could test this when I get home.

I do not have the paly mage tower armor, but I do have one of the Legion mage tower flails on.

And as for the warband, ALL four of my toons are from the same server.

The paladin I had in my warband was using the full Mage Tower xmog - both the armor and the shield/flail

Ok so I got home just now and tried it.

I logged into my Paladin, changed transmog away from the Flail, exited the game, added the Paladin to my Warband, logged in to make sure it stuck, logged out, and then launched normally. No issues.

I logged into the Paladin again, changed my transmog back to a mog that leverages the flail, exited the game, logged back on, and I immediately got the Memory Access violation error.

I did my slow login workaround, got on the Paladin, swapped the mog again, exited, and yes, memory error completely gone.

My Mage Tower Flail from Legion does cause the memory fault. I’d 100% agree with that finding above.


This is exactly what I’m seeing too, in all my testing.

100% the Mage Tower Flail is causing the issue.

Second and third scan & repair failed to fix the issue.
Not able to get into the game to test if removing the flail fixes it or not for me. Which should be fun, since the pre-patch event I’ve now got 4 paladins of various races all wearing the same flail.

ProcessID: 2836
TreadID: 4068

Have you tried Merell’s manual login method? Cancel the login when launching from the desktop app (but don’t exit WoW), wait a little while at the login screen, then manually login from inside the WoW app instead of launching from the Battle.net App.

That allowed me to access my warband to change favorites.

I’ve got the flail for my warrior from the mage tower equipped and managed to get into the game to switch it out. The warband and character select still have him with it equipped even though he’s currently Arms with a two handed weapon on.

So whatever it is with the flails from the mage tower currently as long as they’re not in your warband catagory you can get in pretty easily. It might be other weapons as well but you can mash the enter world button before it fully loads and disconnects then log out to character select and it should let you move them around or switch characters from my experience.

I’ll try removing my characters from the warband screen when I get home. They are all wearing mage tower mogs.

Was finally able to get into the game. I removed ALL my toons from the warband favorites screen. Tested it about a dozen times with my flail still on and have not had an issue with logging in.

Not saying it’s a permanent fix, but for now it’s working for me without removing the flail.

You have the flail equipped, but the paladin is NOT in the warband favorites screen, correct? Because yeah, I think that’s fine and makes sense.

If it’s in the warband favorite screen (around the campfire) is seemingly the only way to reproduce it.

Also had this happen to me today, I’m reinstalling the game as we speak but I ALSO had a warrior in my warband with the mage tower flail, if I can get this downloaded and get in I’ll try the bypass method and try mogging him to see if that works.

I stg if my transmog caused this I’m going to chimp out and go bananas

I too have been having issues with access denied for memory. I have a 7700x with 32gb of ram along with a 7900xtx. I did a full system restore along with a fresh install of wow and keep crashing.

Well, I tested this several dozen times but looks like when I removed my toons from the warband FAVORITES list, it does not seem to be causing a problem anymore. Just drag your toons down to the old toon list and it’ll bypass the campfire scene.

But now that I mentioned it, I’ll probably never be able to log in again…

Guess I’ll find out shortly.

I also have the mage tower flail equipped. Of all the things that could be causing the issue, I did not expect that to be it…

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Please do, and let us know how it went.

I don’t know if i have the magetower flail transmog. I do have a flail that i got from the tradfing post i think? It is equipped on my priest at the moment.

At any rate, it seemed like the mash the button to enter the game before your warband loads was working for me. i was actually able to get in and successfully log into nearly all of my characters at lunch. I thought i was good.

I got on my main (warrior) and wanted to do the squally quest and the quests for the pre-order transmogs. everything was going great, till i was flying to the 2nd location in the onaran plains and i crashed with this exception mid flight.

as i’ve said in other posts, for me it almost always crashes during a loading sequence. this was the first time it crashed for me in game with this exception.