Examples of Layering exploits and problems

So? Is it fixed?

Could be. We will have to wait and see. Wont we?

Yes, we will. In the meantime, it’s documented until it is fixed.


Just wanna share this clip from Kevin Jordan here about layering, and his current evaluation on the Classic Beta.
I figured it would be good to show it because he literally says here that Classic beta is looking really good, except for layering, which he calls “extremely trouble”:


So next time someone comes at you with “fear mongering” or any other of that BS, feel free to show them this clip of an actual Vanilla game designer calling it for what layering is looking to be for the games design: extreme trouble.

He even says none of the other smaller issues (world buffs, leeway etc) are in the same ballpark as layering, which he implies is in the category of issues that are able to ruin classic if left as they are.

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Thanks @Heidene, added to the OP.


Glad to share! Really hope people will learn how layering works, so they can see that it’s doing what it’s supposed to be in these clips. The same way it will do it on launch too if it’s left in.

Hope we’ll get a bluepost update on the layering situation soon!:crossed_fingers:

This x100. People take the layering concept at face value while ignoring how rough it actually will be. Anyone who plays retail knows sharding has so many issues and that has been in for a long time. With 8.2 out Blizzard can’t even get close to an even number of Horde or Alliance together for the Battle for Nazjatar and it’s always 0 points to 3000 one side or the other. If an actively worked on system for years has so many problems how will they fix layering which has an even smaller team and no release testing like sharding has?

Lots of the frequent pro-layer posters always seem to fall back to “it’s just beta they will fix it”. Trying to quiet people and dismiss the issues like this is so harmful in the event it’s not fixed.


I hope everyone with concerns will join the next stress test *(and be sure to post in the dedicated feedback thread).

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BFA says hi.


Remember is 2004 when the game actually worked? Or when some randoms in a basement made Nostalrius run 12k+ players on a single server with no forms of phasing whatsoever and it worked? Yea, clearly this multi million dollar company in 2019 can’t make it work. People need to stop making excuses for Blizzard, this isn’t necessary, it’s game ruining. Before there was any sharding or anything like it, when expansions released the amount of player increase and player congestion was massive, yet you give it a few days and the problem resolved itself time after time.


The sad thing is, they got what it takes to provide a much better launch experience without any layering or sharding necessary.

As they said in the dev watercooler for Classic:

All the work we’re doing will ultimately allow us to recreate an authentic classic experience on a platform that is much more optimized and stable, helping us avoid latency and stability issues. Additional improvements will include modern anti-cheat/botting detection, customer service and Battle. net integration, and similar conveniences that do not affect the core gameplay experience.

It seems they forgot about that last part, as they put in a tech that’s proven to change the core gameplay experience in it’s earlier versions, and this time it will be no different as we’ve got to see in the beta and on stress tests.

Notice how they didn’t mention any sharding or layering when they listed modern additions to Classic. They knew better back then. J Allen Brack proves this also by saying this:

There’s still a lot of questions about how the team will tackle it, but Brack says they’re committed to recreating an authentic Vanilla World of Warcraft experience. "One of the tenets of Classic WoW is none of the cross-server realms and different [server] sharding options that we have available to us today. There’s a lot of desire on part of the community that this is something that they don’t want."

And this ad backs them up in stating there will be none of the sharding/layering tech in Classic:

It’s so weird to see them backpeddle like that, about to repeat the same mistakes.

They really knew better this time, and then the retail mindset snuck back in there to the point where they’re looking to use a complete anti-Classic feature that replaces Classics MAIN feature: The WORLD of Warcraft, for weeks or months into the game, starting from 27th August.

How did we get here



You said you know Vanilla means Vanilla yourself, Blizzard:

“It means some of the inconveniences, it means some of the rough edges, that’s not something we’re looking to move away from. We know Vanilla means Vanilla.”

Does what the OP shows from the beta & stress tests look like Vanilla to you?

Do you really know Vanilla means Vanilla? Should we believe you that you do, if you’re looking to put in layering into Classic?

Because right now Classic doesn’t look like Vanilla for weeks or months starting from the 27th August.

According to Classics description you present us:

we’re supposed to experience the beginnings of the original game as well, that includes the launch and the first weeks and months of Classic. And that’s exactly what people are expecting to get.

If you can’t prove that you can stick to your word, and that you really understand “Vanilla means Vanilla”, as in no shprinkles, no layers of chocolate sauce, just “Vanilla”
 then why should the players believe anything you say about Classic in the future?
What do you think will happen if players notice from day 1 it’s not the game they wanted to play, as in, a recreation of Vanilla, cause it has a tech in it that’s derived from retail and was never present at any point in the original game?

Pls Blizz. Don’t goof this up. Let yourself win for once and put “you think you do, but you don’t” to rest once and for all by giving players what they’ve asked for all these years. :icecream::white_check_mark: